So whats new? Part I

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Me : yeah I know, so you need how many followers and viewers joy? 20 by the end of this week? Kay I'll get going (a/n I'm a manger for laugh and joy -- the words are together but eh ) alright joy update me as soon as you can (ends call) "sigh"

Me: ( getting a funny feeling you're being watched) "turns head" AHHHHHH

the super eight: AHHHHHHHHHH
Me: guys don't do that,like really you had nothing ta do?
Jack: well you were gone for like oh idk a year maybe?! (Elsa slaps his head )
Jack: owwww
Elsa: serves ya right Jack it's not her fault I'm sure she had a good reason right Lizzie?

Me: yes, I'm very sorry for leaving all of you for so long do I put this.....I've been having hard times and bulling and school and I know school is like number one lame excuse but I've been behind and working now and I haven't been on lately and didn't have the motive to write until now so now that I'm back I'll at least update my book once a week if I can.

Hiccup: (hugs me) at least your back, sorry that you're having a tough time kiddo 
Merida: yes lass at least ye still cares about us right?
Me:(smiles) i love all of you and I never wanted to leave but I didn't want to be in a crappy mood and take it out on anyone and regret it
Everyone: (hugs me) we love you too Lizzie
Me : *silently crying *

Me: so would you like to do some dares ???

Everyone :*jumps* YES WE DO

hiccup: would you do the honors of giving us some Lizzie?
Eugene: uhhhhh before she does who was that you were on the phone with?!
Me: oh you mean LaughandJoy ? Only the best author I know that's has amazing talents of her manger making sure she will get followers readers for her books and I fully appreciate the offer and hopefully she likes this book and well

Laughandjoy: you'll never know Lizzie
Jack:*screams like a girl and jumps on Anna *
Merida:*rolls eyes* how attractive Jack
Laughandjoy: *laughs* I'm sorry,but yes it's true she is my manager and I'll say it's not easy she had to go those test to get them and well she did it now if you don't mind I'll stay for a few and Lizzie?can you take me back to my book when done?
Me:of course,let's get started

Punzie: OOOOOOOOOO PICK ME !!!!PICK ME !!!PICK ME!!!!!!!!!!
Me: um yes punzie?
Punzie: who do you all have a crush on and of you don't say your crush.....I'll THROW YOU INTO A VOLCANO
Me: ye heard the lady gather round and say your crush

Who do you have a crush on if you don't punzie throws you in lava

Jack: Elsa
Merida: hiccup
Punzie: Eugene and Jack
Me: okay ,WHAT??!
Punzie: it was just a little crush how bad would it be
Jelsa shippers :*creepy voice* very bad,very veryyyyyyyyy bad
Punzie: O.o okay never mind
Kristoff: Anna always
Laughandjoy: unknown (sorry I don't know who you like so sorry o.o)
Everyone: looks at me
Me: what?

Punzie: don't you have a crush?
Me: uh no?
Elsa: she does and I know who
Jack: is he more handsome than I
Merida: *mumbles* well mannered than you
Jack: heard that red head
Merida: well he is
Anna: well Lizzie who is he

Me: *shrugged* a guy in my class no big deal *voice a lil high*
Jack: no? But what about this?! (Shows my diary) all that juicy details
Me: go ahead ,I don't put my crushes on there and that's for my feeling of depression I have two *smirks*
Jack: DAMN IT (me slapped him)
Jack: owie
Me: language we don't use words like that here 😒
Elsa:*kisses jacks cheek * for lil kids and such you know
Jack:oh I know,but it still hurts
Me:next da-
punzie:WHO IS YOU FLIPPING CRUSH MAN?!?!please pewase?
Me: fine his name is Jesse happy?

Jacks thought : < is he much better looking than me?>
Punzie:*squeals* our little author has a crush ahhhhhh I ship jesliz !
Me: jesliz?
Elsa: just let her be
Joy:yeah it's better that way I would know
Me: ok.... MOVING ON

To be continued

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