Who are you?

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He was standing there, staring right back at me. He was silent, and still as a statue. His face was blank though he was aware of the rage hidden behind my calm facade.

Finally, I broke the deafening silence. "Who are you?" I asked.

Still, he did not speak. He just looked straight into my eyes... and I got a glimpse of his soul. He was full of doubt... full of uncertainty. As if he himself do not know who he is.

Suddenly, he smiled. He knows that I am furious at him yet he still have the heart to smile.

But that smile brought memories flooding into my head. It's funny how a smile can trigger the past. My mind traveled back to when my life was simple... when I had everything I needed... back when I was happy.

Back then, I knew who this person was, for he was with me every step of the way. But now, as we continued the journey of life, I no longer know him. He has changed. But I cannot depart from him... he's all I have now.

So I asked again, "Who are you?"

Still, there was no reply.

"I don't know who you are anymore, but I am certain of one thing. You are strong. Because after everything we've been through, you still find the courage to smile. But where do you draw such strength?"

Then his smile was gone. It was as if he was suddenly slapped with reality. His eyes were blank. I can no longer decipher his mind and heart.

I looked at the ground. "You never loved me, did you?" I said, clenching my fist. "No matter what I do, no matter what I achieve, it will never be enough. Something will always be missing."

Tears began to flood my eyes. I looked up at him and saw that his eyes, too, were holding back tears. "What is it that I lack?" I continued. "I did everything I could!"

"No you did not..." he finally answered. "You would have gone further... achieved greater. If only you have tried harder..."

Then, it was I who found no words. I wanted object, but I can't. Deep inside, I know he's right. I could have done more...

However, my rage towards him did not subside. If anything, knowing that I failed to do everything I can made me angrier at him.

His eyes met my burning gaze. "Who are you?" I asked for the third time.

Still, there was no answer.

"You know I have been through a lot," I said, my voice trembling with pain. "You know that there were times I needed your help. But where were you?... Oh, yes. You were by my side, yet you just stood there, watching other people help me instead... How can you be so helpless!"

My pain switched back to anger. "How can you even show your face to me? That is not who I am!"

I grabbed the knife I have been hiding behind my back, and launched at him, aiming for his heart. My knife found its target... and then he shattered. I saw blood on my hands and dropped the knife. All around me, I saw hundreds of fragments of him... reflected back at me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2017 ⏰

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Who are you? (Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now