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A/n: DO NOT PLAY SONG UNTIL I SAYS :) (Well, if you want to then thats fine, but it would be better if you don't)

Dakota's POV.

  I sit on my bed, phone in hand. My mind is passing with many thoughts as I grip my phone tighter. Damn. I look over at my shelf. Pictures of Trey and my family. I snatch my bag from under my bed and trud out the door, ignoring Shawn's screams of calling me back.

  When, I open the the apartment door to go outside, a brush of cool hair hits my face. Refreshing. I don't know where I'm going. I'm just not going to be coocked up in the house all day. As, I head down Broad, I realize I'm starving so I stop at the pizza shop.

  When, I walk in, I realize it's empty.

  Great. Peace and Quiet.

  I order a slice of pizza and a Pepsi. Before, I can even sit down, a girl takes my spot. I don't feel like arguing so I just slowly walk away.

  "Dakota." she says quietly. I turn around. "Can you sit down please? We need to talk." I look at her for a odd second. She's pretty. Chocolate skin. Shoulder length, dark brown hair with blonde highlights and her eyes are dark brown. She's small but kind of on the thick side. 

  "Yea." I say quietly, sitting across from her. I take a sip of my Pepsi.

  "I'm Ayanna." she says.

  "Okay?" I question, confused. Since when do random people come up, knowing your name?

  "I need to tell you something." she says looking around.

  I slowly bring my pizza up to my mouth. "What is it?"

  "Dakota, I'm sorry. But, Parker and Daniel are having an affair."

  I stop right there and look at her, my pizza not even brushing against my tongue. "What?" I snark, in disbelief.

  "I'm so sorry. I'm Parker's best friend. When she told me she had a boyfriend, I assumed it was someone from school, not-"

  "Where the hell are they!" I demanded, standing up.

  "I don't know if that is such a good-"

  "Where are they!!" I snarl.

  "Two blocks from here. Down at Amber Street. At the Skating Rink." she says quietly.

  I snatch my bag up and throw my pizza in the trash, ignoring my grumbling stomach. Before, I leave, I turn around again and look at.....Ummm.. Oh, Ayanna.

  "Thanks You." I say before pulling the door open. 

  I leave too quickly to I hear her response. I start to head down Amber Street, rage building up with my questions.

  Is it true? Would Parker really do this to me? Would Daniel? How will I react?

  I try to think positive. Maybe, it's a lie. 

 About 10 minutes of walking, I'm at Amber Street. God, I haven't been here in forever. Where the hell is the skating rink? I look around and spot a young girl. About 13 or 14.

  I slowly approach her. She's on her phone, texting. 

  "Excuse me." I say. She turns and smiles. I give her a small smile back. "Do you know where the Skating Rink is?"

  She looks at me. "Your pretty" she blurts out. "But, anyway, the roller rink is just down that street and then you make a left." She points.

  "Thank You." I smile. " I like your shirt." I say before walking away.  I follow her directions before getting to the skating rink. I open the front door and walk inside. 

  It's loud as hell. "Red Nose" by Sage The Gemini is playing and tons of girls are shaking there asses on their "friends". I roll my eyes at their stupidity. A cute boy catches my attention.

  "Need some help?" he smiles. 

  "Yea." I say pulling my hair into a ponytail. "Have you seen a girl and guy in here?"

  He chuckles. "Plenty."

  I frown. "The girl. Brown skin. Long hair. Most likely wearing a tight neon skirt and half shirt. The boy. Brown Skin. Ummm. I don't know. They should be together. Or so I hear."


  "For now."

  "Well, there was a couple who snuck outback a minute ago."

  "Thanks," I say walking away. I'm pissed. More than that, I don't know if it's true.

  "You know!" I hear the boy call after me. I turn around. "If it doesn't work out with the boy your looking for....I'm single."

  I just smile. AS, I near the back of the rink, I see the exit sign. I take a deep breathe.

  Pleases, don't let it be true. Please.

  But, my worst nightmare is fulfilled when, I catch Parker and Daniel, locking lips.


 I stand there dazed as I watch them make out. I feel like my world has crumbled. I never really thought about how it would affect me. But, tears stream down my face as I watch Daniel run his fingers up Parkers shirt. When I finally step forward and look at Parker, she see's me and smiles. I stare at with disbelief. I'm empty.

  I feel like I can't breathe. My legs feel like they are made of noodles and I could topple to the ground at any moment. Bitterness, Grief, BETRAYAL. How could this happen.? I know I've done a lot of bad shit in my life, but NO girl deserves to get cheated on.

  "Daniel..." I whisper. He looks at me and  immediately jumps. "I loved you."

  As, more tears stream down my face, I feel like shit. All the future plans and dreams. Gone. Forever. My jaw tightens. How could I allow myself to become so fragile?. So small. A train wreck. What did I do so wrong? I loved him.

  "Daniel" I cry, wiping my eyes. "How could you?"

  "Dakota...." he trails off.

  Parker pushes past him and smiles. "Look sweetie. I'm sorry, but he's mine now."

  I stare at my cousin. I'm so hurt. Torn. Broken. How did this happen? How could-

  "I...I.." I start before choking on more tears. I hate myself. I want to die. This is the worst pain, I've ever felt. All that bad ass shit is gone. I'm a weakling. I'm stupid. I'm dumb. I'm a broken hearted lover. 

  I feel like I've been kicked in the gut. Trey told me. He warned me. Everyone did. Damn. But I was too in love to realize it. He played me like a puppet. And I was stupid enough to play along  his game. What did he do to me. He's ruined me. It's like he ripped my heart from out of my chest.

  He slowly walks towards me.

  "Dakota..." he says. "You spent all your time loving me.....And I never loved you back." Crushed. Done for. Dead.

  "I'm sorry, but it's over."

A/n: CRYING! DO NOT SAY SHE DESERVED IT! NO GIRL DESERVES TO BE CHEATED ON.! NO GIRL. I'm sorry Dakota. But all of you guys are going to die for the next chapter. Tell me what you think.


Ayanna is played by Queen_A_


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