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Salam and hello everyone!

Time for some explanation once again I guess, even though I hate explaining myself. 

My wattpad life got really dramatic after writing YRM. Even if it's about issues regarding cousin marriage, Iddah, Mahnoor doing work for her brother or some silly girl stealing and proceeded to post my story on other websites. All and all, it's just....... argh!

Iddah and cousin marriage is Muslim's religious matter and I believe that we should respect every culture and religion.

So let's move on to about Mahnoor doing favors for her brother. Most feminists here didn't like Mahnoor working for her brother. Working for your family members who you love doesn't make you their slave. I am sure that Pakistani sisters know how much money we can make by simply pressing our brother's clothes. ;)

A majority of Pakistani siblings are like that, we serve food to our brothers and they also run to the market for us. Believe me, they do. I won't lie while eating pomegranate my big bro piled for me after coming home from his job. :)

Now, about the ending of the story... Most people believe in perfection, but to me, there is no such thing as perfection. Perfection solely belongs to God. It is just our love and likeness towards things and people that enable us to overlook their imperfections.

My point is that this story is also not perfect in many ways. Even I can tell that and point out my dozens of mistakes (except the grammatical mistakes. It comes naturally to me in every language I know except Urdu).

I write this story because I feel the need of showing other dimensions of such gangs and mafia type stories. I also want to highlight the increasing problem of human trafficking and how our governments are helpless in making laws for such crimes. And I'd also like to thank the young female student who let me know the seriousness of this problem as she is doing research on it. Despite the fact that she could be in danger. May Allah protect her and every one of those people who is doing such admirable work. (Ameen)

These were the two main reasons behind this story. Now let's talk about Moosa and Mahnoor. Well, that couple never was perfect. In fact, I can bet you that they are one of the strangest couples you have read in stories. So please don't ask me to turn them into a normal couple. Their future can never be an ideal one because of Moosa's work, as there is no "happily ever after" for people like him and the same goes with the people who work in security agencies. I mean sometimes their family won't get the dead bodies of their loved ones. So writing a happy happy ending after knowing this reality is not my style. Perhaps it's also because I am 'Evil' who plays with others' emotions as my friends describe me. :P

I am also aware that many readers want more lovey-dovey chapters but this is how this story should end. A different and weird ending for a cliché and weird love story. Just let that couple be how they are. I don't want to extend this story, otherwise, it will look like a biography. :/

So, now let me put it in a simple way.

Don't ask a lazy person like me to do so much work as I am already stuck on the prequel of this story which is "You Will Always Be Mine".

Now the answer to the questions asked:

• Mahnoor has given her resolve that she will not go to her parents' house where her husband is not respected but as Moosa said, their meetings can be arranged anywhere. So she is in touch with her family.

• The things which readers find incomplete will be completed in the prequel (YWABM) - The details of the attack, Ahad and Yawar's past, and other things.

You can ask any other questions you have and I will answer them. But please, no more curses. I am not good at handling it and no scolding too. I've had enough of them when I used to get failing grades in my pre-school life. So, no more. :l

Take Care! :)

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