The New Girl

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Casey followed his friends into the school.  She was here.  She was in his school.  Her long legs and her bright eyes were taunting him.  Casey walked down the hallway, his brain on autopilot.  He opened his locker, grabbed his books for first period and slammed his locker shut. 

"Good morning, cupcake," Ingrid said, shuffling her foot against the floor.

"Jesus.  What do you want?"

"Well, fuck you too!" 

"I just mean.... you surprised me."  Casey slung his backpack over his shoulder, looked down the hall at Miles and Jace, who were still standing at their lockers.  He and Ingrid walked over to them - they all had the same first period class. 

"Do you know who that girl is?" Jace said, closing his locker and looking at Casey.

"Um. No, not sure."  Casey looked around the hallway to make sure Jasmine wasn't around.

"What's your problem man?  You're being weird.  Are you looking for someone?"  Ingrid stared at him, her eyebrows knit together. 

"Nothing - no problem.  I just," Casey paused and looked at his friends.  "It's nothing.  I just feel a little distracted this morning."

"It's because of me, isn't it?  You're finally willing to admit my stunning good looks are making you jealous." Miles looked at Casey, a grin spreading across his face.

"Oh, yeah, you caught me man.  It's the hair, actually.  It brings out your stunning eyes."  Casey winked and ran his tongue over his lips.  "Wanna go hide in a dark closet and make out," he whispered. 

"I would, but I actually care about going to class." 

Casey smirked as he followed Miles, Jace, and Ingrid to English.  As he walked into the classroom, Casey almost dropped his bag on the floor.  She was there. In his classroom. 

"Well, damn," Jace whispered.  "Hey look, it's your new girlfriend."  He looked at Casey and smirked.  "Sorry to end it between us so quickly.  But I can tell you want her more." 

"Hell, even I want her," Ingrid whispered softly. 

They all slid into there seats, Casey right next to Jasmine.  He took a deep breath and pulled his notebook and beat up copy of To Kill a Mockingbird out of his bag.  What was she doing in his class.  Casey was digging around in his bag for a pen when he saw a hand inch its way on to her desk and drop a note there.  He was scared to read what it said - whatever she had written, he wasn't sure he wanted to know.  Finally, though, his curiosity got the better of him.  He unfolded the note, noticing how nice her writing was.

I know you're curious.  About why I'm here - in this school, in your classes.  I can't tell you that.  But I can tell you something - you are in my head - and I need to see you tonight.  You won't regret it.  Meet me after the football game. 

What? The? Hell?  She'd practically attacked him the other night in the graveyard - he was still hazy on the details - and now she was the one saying she couldn't get him out of her head?  That was creepy.  He didn't know what to say.  Before he could think about it any more, the teacher walked in and shut the door. 

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