7. Girlfriend

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I wake up the next morning to my alarm blaring loudly. I moan in annoyance and reach over to grab my phone shutting the alarm off. As I dismiss the alarm my phone screen opens and I notice I have a text from Zay.

ZAY: Do you need a ride to school?

I smile as I read the text. It was a nice offer and plus being with Zay would get my mind off of Josh.

MAYA: I'd love a ride to school 😊

I send the text before climbing out of bed and walking over to my closet. I scavenge through my clothes and I'm thrilled when I notice that my favorite red sweater was washed. I grab it out of my closet along with a pair of leggings from my dresser before grabbing my phone and walking into the bathroom to get dressed. I'm in the middle of pulling on my sweater when my phone vibrates.

ZAY: Perfect. See you in twenty 😊

"Honey are you up?" I hear my mom shout from behind my bedroom door.

"Yes" I shout back before I hear her open the door.

"Good morning baby girl" she smiles as she walks into my bathroom.

"Morning mom" I reply happily.

"Am I taking you to school today?"

"No. Zay is taking me" I explain making a grin spread across my mom's lips.

"Are the two of you dating?" she asks and I can't help but smile at the suggestion. I liked Zay, I liked him a lot. I just also happened to be in love with someone else.

"I don't know. I like him a lot but it's complicated" I say with a sigh as I comb through my hair.

"What's complicated baby girl. You like him and he seems to like you. And he seems to treat you like a queen. What more could you want?" she asks and my heart lurches. I wanted Josh, but of course he could never be mine.

"Zay is gonna be here soon. I gotta go" I say brushing past my mom and out of our house taking a seat on the porch as I waited for Zay. Suddenly my phone vibrates repeatedly in my hand. I look down and feel a headache forming as I look down at the caller ID. I swipe the answer button and take a breath before bringing the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I answer wiping the tears from my eyes as I try to even out my voice.

"Hey" Josh says sounding exhausted.

"What's wrong?" I ask as he sighs.

"Callie and I got in a fight last night" he explains, suddenly making me feel guilty for having fun on my date.

"I'm sorry."

"She kinda found out that I kissed you" he says and suddenly my heart beat quickens and I find it hard to breathe.

"She found out" I say quickly. "How did she find out?" I ask worriedly.

"I told her" he confesses shocking me.

"What?" I exclaim loudly before remembering that my family was in the house.

"I couldn't propose to her and risk her finding out. I couldn't risk her breaking up with me if she found out from someone else. I couldn't do that to the baby Maya. I'm sorry" he says and I close my eyes as a single tear falls down my cheek.

"I understand Josh" I say trying to hide the pain in my voice that our secret wasn't so secret anymore. "Did she break up with you?"

"No. She said she needed some time to think but I know she wants us to work through it. We both want to make this work for the baby" he says and I nod knowingly even though he can't see me.

"I know Josh. I get it" I say sadly. "Thank you for telling me."

"Of course Maya. I never want to blindside you again" he says making me laugh lightly.

"Well thanks" I say wiping my tears. "Good to know you won't drop any more bombs on me."

"Wish I didn't even have to drop the first one" he says sighing deeply.

"I know Josh. I know" I say as a car pulls up in my driveway. "Dammit" I mutter.

"What?" Josh asks and I sigh in annoyance. I knew I should want to hang up but I loved talking to Josh.

"Zay is here" I say as I wave at Zay signaling him that I'll be there in a minute.

"Zay? Maya it's like seven in the morning" Josh says as I open the door walking back in my house towards my room.

"He's taking me to school" I laugh as I pick up my backpack.

"That's nice of him. How was your date last night?" he asks as I walk back out of my room.

"It was good. I like him" I admit smiling.

"That's good Maya. I'm happy for you."

"Mom, dad, I'm going to school" I shout before walking out the front door. "Thanks Josh" I add as I move towards Zay's car. "I should go."

"Yea. Have a good day gorgeous."

"I will. Bye Josh" I say before hanging up and climbing into Zay's car. "Hi" I say brightly as I take my seat on the passenger side.

"Hi" Zay says smiling at me as he leans over the console and presses his lips against mine briefly. I feel guilty as I kiss him back since I was just on the phone with Josh but I don't want to make him suspicious, and plus Zay wasn't the worst kisser.

"How was the rest of your night?" I ask as he pulls away and puts the car in reverse pulling out of the driveway.

"It was uneventful. I passed out like ten minutes after I walked in the door. I was exhausted" he says making me laugh.

"Is dating me that exhausting Babineaux?" I tease making Zay laugh.

"Of course not" he says as he grabs my hand. "But uh, does last night make us official? Are you really my girlfriend?"

"Only if you want me to be" I reply trying to will away my feelings for Josh as I spoke.

"Okay then yea. We're dating" Zay says squeezing my hand.

"Perfect. Now come on boyfriend step on it. I can't be late again" I say relaxing in my seat.

"Whatever you say girlfriend."


"You're actually dating him?" Riley asks in disbelief as we stand by our lockers after first period. All of the guys had gym and Smackle was home sick today so it was just the two of us.

"Riley I like him" I say defensively as I pull out the books for my next class.

"I know you do Maya but I also know you like Josh" she says and I can't help myself from correcting her in my head. I loved Josh.

"Look Riley, I'm not saying I don't have feelings for your uncle but he has a girlfriend. He's in love with her and I need to move on. Dating Zay can help with that, don't you want me to be happy?"

"Of course I do Maya but I just" she trails off and I sigh.

"I won't hurt Zay. Riley I promise, please just trust me" I beg and she closes her eyes composing herself.

"Okay" she gives taking a deep breath as she looks at me. "But if you hurt him Maya" she warns but I cut her off.

"I won't" I insist as I feel someone wrap their arms around me.

"You won't what?" Zay asks as he rests his head on my shoulder.

"I won't be late to next period" I lie as I turn around to face my boyfriend. "Walk me?" I ask and he nods before taking my hand in his.

I knew that getting over Josh was going to be hard but I wasn't lying. I wanted to make this work with Zay and I never wanted to hurt him. I was going to do everything in my power to be a good girlfriend to Zay because he deserved nothing less.

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