The Baby

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Chapter 2

The Baby


Heather and Barry just had there baby boy Noah. He started out just a regular sized baby, but Heather fed him good and he became quite chubby. Barry's parents didn't exactly approve of their marriage. Elizabeth and Roy were Barry's parents, people called Elizabeth, Libby. Roy had used to own a well run construction incorporation. He was now retired. Libby used to be a housewife and the secretary for the construction business. She was in to doing puzzles and crocheting. She used to and still does have seizures. Absent seizures. She doesn't have epilepsy, it happened because as a child she was hit in the head with a frying pan by her father who was drunk. Barry also has a sister Debbie. She is really into horses and all sorts of animals. She owns a pet shop near home. Heathers moms name is Pam. She used to work in a fabric store. She originally married Heathers dad, Terry, but they had divorced when Heather was 16. Pam went on to marry Heathers high school guidance counselor ten years before Noah was born. Heather also has a brother who is a truck driver and she had a half sister who lives in New Jersey.

Heather had begun working in various emergency rooms around the area. She worked a lot and had to have Barry "babysit". When Barry was working then they had to leave Noah with his grandparents who lived across the road. They often complained about it and accused Heather of pawning their baby off on them. Libby didn't exactly know what to think of Heather. Sometimes they got along very well and Libby have good compliments about her, but sometimes that wasn't the case. Pam, Heathers mom, would often take home videos of Noah. She and Bill were always willing to take care of him, and he often was at there house. They pretty much spoiled him, but not too much. Just enough so it wouldn't turn him into a snobbish little brat.

On Noah's 1st birthday, Heather made him a carrot cake. Pam filmed him eating it which Noah later on watched. It took him a while to eat it and while he looked at the cake then Roy continued to say that it was Heathers cooking that kept him from eating the cake. Noah eventually did eat it and he liked it a lot. His nursery was laced with pooh bears. Heather really like pooh herself to she though that she should make that the theme of Noah's room. They lived in a double wide trailer. It was in the middle of two big hills. As you left the drive way then you had to go down a hill and at the same time a bridge across a creek. That led to a road that went through the family junkyard and the old construction building. Once you gotta the main road then to the left was Debbie's house and straight across the main road from the gravel road was Roy and Libby's house. Barry continued to sing at random bars and competitions and even made a couple CD's. He was very good and everyone in Jackson county had heard of him. As a baby and a toddler Noah was very interested in the microphone. Every time Barry got it out to sing then Noah would be there to listen and to play with the microphone.

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