Chapter 4: Night 2

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Hello readers! Yusei is back with some news! Since I think it would be to much of a hassle, I'm combining Yuriko's story to this one so some of her readers will have to come here. Also, I shall be making another undertale story that you may like. Oh, and taking her stories means I'll be taking her friends as well. So expect people like Goku and Deadpool to be popping up in the Au's. And now, the story.

Deadpool: you know I'm not getting paid for this right?

Of course. You still owe me for those girls you got pregnant.

Deadpool: sh,sh,sh,sh,sh! You don't know who could be listening!

Whatever. Anywho Yuriko's persona will still play a main part in this even without her here. And Eight will do any and all battle songs. Who's Eight? Read some of the other works we have


Frisk had awoken at one in the afternoon feeling a weight around her waist.' I must have been more tired than I thought' she thought to herself. Looking to the left side of the bed, her eyes closed as always, she "saw" Chara still sleeping, hugging her around the waist snuggling deeper into Frisk's stomach. Frisk stroked her lover's short but still longer than her light brown hair.' She can be so cute when she's not trying to be tough' Frisk thought to herself.


Turning to the noise I see Alphys peeking around the corner of our room door holding a camera in her hand with a creepy expression on her face.

"Sssshhhiiiip." she hissed, stalking out backwards. Frisk just kept looking at where her weird friend use to be. Beside her, Chara had awoken.

"Who was that dear?" Chara asked rubbing her eyes and sitting up. Frisk giggled and gave Chara a peck on the lips. Whenever they woke up together Chara would use words like 'dear' or 'honey' and even 'frisky-ness'.

"No one important Chara. But we still have to get up." Chara groaned and tried to go back to sleep but Frisk dragged her out of bed and practically carried her all the way to the bathroom where she forcefully scrubbed a shrieking Chara.

Exiting the bathroom and entering the kitchen they saw a note on the table. Frisk examined it and read it out loud for Chara.

"Dear children, I did not want to wake you from your sleep so I have left this note in my stead to inform you that Sans, Asriel and I are going out for awhile. Also, Undyne and Alphys are coming over so make sure that Undyne and Flowery don't kill each other. Love, Toriel."

"Mom, we're old enough to not be called children anymore." Frisk sighed to herself but smiled none the less. Toriel always said that," even when your hair turns grey, you both shall be my little girls". Frisk then started wondering what she'd look like with grey hair so one day she dyed her hair grey for a day. Chara called her sexy, Undyne called her 'grandma', Mettaton suggested white hair or black with a wardrobe change, Toriel said that now she knows that she won't have to worry about her looks when she's older, and Sans just ate ketchup.

"Come on Frisk. You wanted to see the others right?"

"Coming, Coming." Frisk said as they both left the house.

Tokyo, Japan

In the restaurant Ren was working on fixing up the animatronics while talking with the newest member. They had closed the pizza ria under the pretense of the animatronics needing emergency maintenance. Which, technically was not wrong seeing the shape everyone was in. Everyone had gotten fixed already after some time and magic with only Foxy, Puppet and Goldy left to heal.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2018 ⏰

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