Chapter Two

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    On my way home I always listened to music. Actually I listened to music pretty much whenever I could. Getting ready in the morning, driving, falling asleep, cooking dinner, any time. The only time I couldn’t, obviously, is in class. I listen to a VERY wide variety as well. One minute I’ll be listening to John Mayer, the next ill be jammin’ out to Sean Kingston. Today, though, I decided to listen to some Disney songs. I loved all of the Disney movies. The only one I disliked was Snow White. She creeped me out. And who has a voice that high? No one. So I just skipped right over those songs.

 Oooh IIII just can’t waaitttt to be king!

 I always cranked it up as loud as possible before breaking ear drums. Of course, I sang like crap though. My dog always runs away when he sees me getting my ipod out of my drawer.

I was driving down the road, window down and one arm out of it, my head resting on the head rest, and listening to The Lion King. Perfectly content. When suddenly I remembered something. Crap! I forgot I’m supposed to meet Kale! i spun around at the very first legal u-turn. ok he's gonna kill me.

   This was the, what, third time i'de forgotten? 'Look i'm sorry! i just.....oh I remember now! i had to take my dad to... the doctor... 'cause he had like a 103 temperature!' i think was my first excuse. Then: ' I had to run home first because my neighbors are out of town and i forgot i had to... feed the dog and water the plants n' stuff.' By the third time i was done giving him half true half not true excuses. my dad really did have a temp. and i really was house sitting for my neighbors!But the was: 'Look......i just forgot ok?' That was my ending argument for all three times. But what do i tell him this time? i had a rough day at school and just totally spaced it? no, i didn't have a bad day at school, that's a total lie. i had to stay late for a class? also  a lie. *sigh*. looks like I'm back to ' i just forgot'. i was contemplating these things when i heard something that brought me out of my excuse reminiscing. sirens.

police sirens.

What? Are those for me?! i asked myself while straining my neck looking in my rear view mirror. then i looked down at my speedometer. i was going well over 30 miles an hour, which is what the speed limit was on this road. Yup. I slowed down and pulled over to the right side of the road.

   i HATE getting pulled over. it is the absolute worst feeling in the world. whenever i get pulled over i always find myself imagining the worst: yanking me out of my car, prying my hands out of the grip i have on the car door, and being hauled off to prison for the remainder of my life. I was thinking about my 'definite' future as i was making faces in the mirror, trying to work up a good ' how am i ever going to pay for this ticket your about to give me' cry. i could here him approaching. i rolled down my window, keeping my eyes forward. i finally turned to look up at the officer, putting my hand slanted over my eyes to slightly hide the blinding sun. my eyes focused and i could see him more clearly now. My jaw dropped at what i saw. i put both my hands back on the wheel. Of course this happened to me. This would only happen to me. i was seriously considering taking my chances with floorin' it and gettin the heck out of here. Better not. I let out a big sigh...

" Hey dad."

He let out a big sigh.

" Adaleigh. You know better."

you know better?! i was seriously getting that speech? of course, my dad had to be the cop to pull me over. you really need a different job Dad. 

" Yeah ok. C-can i just have my ticket?" He made a few scribbly notes and ripped the ticket off his little tablet.

"Just so you know, i'm not paying for this." He handed me my ticket and walked back to his car shaking his head the whole time. ok so he payed for the last two tickets i had gotten. so what?

I finally arrived at Kale's house, an hour and 15 minutes late. it didn't help that he lived on the complete opposite side of town than where i lived. i opened the door slowly and eased myself in.

"Kale?" i hesitantly called out. no answer. i shut the door behind me and moved towards the stairs. i stopped at the bottom and called out again, "Kale?" still no answer. i heard dishes clinking in the kitchen to my right. i made my way towards it. "Kale is that y-" we pumped into each other. He then moved right passed me as if he had hit a wall instead of an actual person. Ok he's mad. i followed right behind him as he moved through the kitchen picking up her and there. " Kale, look i know you're mad, and you have every right to be!" Emphasis on the every right part. " But this time i really had a good excuse! i got pulled over! by my dad! What are the chances right?!" i hit his arm playfully and started to fake laugh trying to lighten up the mood. he didn't go for it. he stopped dead in his tracks and looked at me with that look. it was his 'i'm still mad at you' look. " Come on. stop giving me the silent treatment. i did forget but then i tried to get here fast and got pulled over. that's the HONEST truth." i put my hands up in defense. He looked down at his feet for a minute, and then looked up at me with that same forgiving smile i'de seen so many times before. " For give me?" i said holding my arms out hoping for a hug.

" Yeah. Sure. You know i couldn't stay mad at you for long even if i tried." he said giving me my hug.

" that's cause im just so great." i said playfully. He rolled his eyes.

"So are you ready to get started yet?!"

" yeah yeah i'm ready." I said sounding very "enthusiastic".

" you want a soda?" he called out, his head buried in the fridge.

"yea sure." he tossed me a Pepsi, and we headed upstairs. He ran up the stairs taking two steps at a time. i decided to attempt it myself. i was able to get up four steps, but aperantly i miss-targeted the next set because i slipped and ended up on my face. i let out a scream as i went falling to my death. i could see Kale flip around to see what the scream and *thud* was all about. i looked up to see JUST how hard he was laughing at me, but then realized that he was actually on his knees laughing. the kind of laugh where you don't actually here anything except like faint wheezing. 

" shut up!" i said, and then found myself laughing as well.

" You should....have seen....your face!!" he said, still laughing his head off. After gaining some composure he stood and then offered me a hand. i was now on my feet and we continued down the hall towards his room. We looked at each other and another short series of laughs came bursting out. He flopped on his bed and i grabbed his rolly chair,spun it around to face me, and plopped down in it.

"Alrighty so what's it gonna be? canvas art? industrial art?" I asked, using my feet to spin me back and forth.

"Well...." he thought for a minute. " Why don't we make a sculpture?"

I shrugged. " Of what?"

" I don't know. it could be anything. it could be of a person, or something in nature...or we could convey some sort of an emotion! Like love or sadness."

I thought for a minute about that. Who could we make a sculpture of? and what would we sculpt in nature? a tree? That's boring. We could convey an emotion, but that seems kind of cliche, i don't know. And more importantly, what exactly were we going to make this out of! I didn't want to use just any old thing. this was the Brookstone art show! It only came around once every three years! it had to be big. It had to be awesome. totally original! Hmmm.....i don't know. maybe this was a little too big. i mean we'd done other art shows before. Several in fact. And we'd even one first place in people's choice and judges choice a few times. Art was like our thing. But Brookstone? i wasn't sure if we were even ready or not. Whatever we chose to do had to be pretty great. I was considering all of theses factors and then i remembered something. 

" Hey do you remember that time we took vacation to the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, and we saw that plane crash site?"

" Of course i remember. That was one of my favorite vacations!"

"Didn't your dad bring home some pieces of the plane?"

He looked at me with kind of a confused look. and then he realized what i was thinking.

"Great idea Addie!" he gave me a congratulatory high five. " i think it's still in the shed, I'll ask my dad if we can use it when he gets home!"

I leaned back in my chair, he leaned back against the wall. "Awesome."

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