Chapter Three

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" Hahahah your dad pulled you over?!" Sofia laughed as she shut her locker door and we started down the hallway. it was the next day and i was now regretting telling her what had happened the previous day. I didn't take into account that if she knew everyone would know, which is not really what i wanted...

" Oh that's the best!" she said still laughing.

" was the greatest..."

She sighed. " So anyways.." she said taking her seat, finally getting over it. "What are you wearing to Zack's tomorrow?"


" Yeah..the party...remember??" She said with a 'hello!!!' expression on her face.

"Oh yeah!" i had totally forgotten about it. i wasn't, like, pooping my pants excited about this party. he had them about every other weekend and i didn't mind going! it's just that, after a while, i guess they just got old.

" i have no idea what i'm wearing." 

"Really??" She said almost shocked at my words. I'll bet she has everything planned out for tomorrow. Down to what nailpolish she would wear..." I know exactly what I'm wearing...."   Yep. She held up one hand and pointed to her index finger with the other, getting ready to list EVERY last detail of her ensemble.

" That adorable red halter top that you borrowed last week, remember?" She continued, obviously not needing an answer, " just some regular jeans, those brown open-toed sandals..." I trailed off, not really caring what she was going to wear. I started to think about different things: My dad, my stupid ticket, Zack's party, Kale, the art show, and when i finally snapped out of it and came back to the world, i realized Sofia had finished her mental fashion show and we had already started class. i don't even remember commenting about anything Sofie was saying. i must have said something though, right? or did i just ignore her, wrapped up in my little daze there? Hmm....oh well.

" Hey i have a great idea!" Sofie YELLED at me later that day as we were walking through the parking lot. " Why don't you let me do your hair!"

"Do my hair for what?"

" Duh!! The party!"  i stopped dead in my tracks and faced her. The words " LORD!! Sofie shut it about the party!" almost escaped my mouth. Thankfully though, i was able to restrain myself.

" No. i definitely don't care that much." i chuckled. we continued to our cars.

" Why not? You need to do something else with your hair Addie."

"Why? What's wrong with this?"

 "Well...nothing...i mean i like it it's just you should changed it up every once in a while." She said with a half-hearted smile.

" Haha well thanks anyway Sofe but i like my hair the way it is." i open my car door and plopped myself in. i waved out the window as i was pulling away.My radio was already up as high as it would go when i turned it on. I decided to listened to Lincoln Park on my way home, and made sure to go the speed limit the whole way.

My dad had to work late the day before so i hadn't seen him since he gave me my ticket. Although today, as I'm sure fate would have it, he got home early.As i pulled onto our street i was going as slow as i possibly could while keeping the car moving, trying to prolong arriving home. But even still it only took me all of  two seconds to reach our house.....ours was the first house on the street. I finally made it in the drive and was now walking up our drive, after sitting in the car for a minute using " the song wasn't over" as my excuse. I peeked in the window seeing if i could see my dad. I saw that from the front door, up the stairs and to my room was clear of my dad, so.. i went for it. I opened, stepped in, and slammed the door all in one motion. Maybe i can double-step it up the stairs. After one set of steps i put that idea right out of my head. I'm not sure if it's just that I'm not very athletic or maybe my legs are just too short or something, I'm not really sure. But it was now a fact that i could not run up the stairs two steps at a time. I ALMOST made it to the top when i heard my name...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2012 ⏰

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