Strangers in limo's

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Yami's P.O.V.

Three strangers entered the limo with us. Two of them looked like Seto and Joey, but one was robed.

The robed one was robed in a white cloak, embroidered in silver, and signed with a silver Y. The cloak obscured all his features, so I couldn't see what he looked like. He sat right across from me, and from the looks of it, he seemed to be staring at me. The current conversation snapped me out of my thoughts.

"We have come looking for the one they call Yugi," said the one who resembled Seto. The resembling Joey huffed.

"Shut it, Seth!" Came Joey's doppelganger. Seth crossed his arms and looked out the window.

"Why are you looking for him anyway?!" Seto asked the Joey look-alike. Joey Two huffed.

"None of your buisness," was Joey Two's reply. Now it was Seth's turn to contradict Joey Two.

"Jono, we owe these kind people an explanation. Now, if you won't explain, I will," Seth said, and it was Jono's turn to pout and look out the window.

"Anyway, the reason that we are looking for Yugi is because he hasn't corresponded in a week. He said he would update every day. Also, if he didn't update in a week, he was either dead or captured. We came to see which it was," came the well planed reply of Jono. He smiled at us.

"How can you prove this," was Seto's cold response. He had a small scowl on his face as he did so. Jono returned the face just as acurately.

"Here is one of the updates that Yugi sent," he pulled out a small green crystal sitting in the palm of his hand. The crystal glowed, and a small projection of Yugi showed up. It was like something from Star Wars.

"Hey guys! It's me again. It's been a day, so it's time for one of my daily updates! We have just met some Neko's who are willing to help us. Anyway, no need to worry, I am okay! Update soon! Bai!" And the Yugi projection was gone. I kept back a sob.

"What is wrong?" Asked a concerned Seth. His blue eyes pierced mine, and I felt compelled to answer.

"Yugi was the first peraon I ever loved more than a family member. I loved him with all my heart, and to see him get stabbed in the back by Bandit Keith was torture. As we speak, me and my companions are on the way to get Yugi back from the clutches of those She-Demons below the Kaiba Corp tower," I responded, crying the whole time. I didn't care if they thought I was a little kid. I missed my Aibou.

A small gasp came from the cloaked figure across from me. I looked over to see a few tears glistening on the part of the face that was exposed. They were so bright and clear, and they shone like diamonds. I did not want to see the cloaked figure cry.

"Yuugi! What is wrong!"


There. Chapter 14. Sorry I didn't update in a while. Why? Because Magic. Anyway, vote amd comment. Bai!

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