Time Flies

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I sat quietly at the reception desk of the library, my belly bumping against it. It has been 3 months since I promised to work on things with the men.

I was now 7 months and still single, I ran my hand over my swollen abdomen. I found out I was having a little girl, I have to admit I was disappointing. I barely have what it takes to be a woman, how could I ever raise one?

Here I am co parenting with men who have yet to take me on a date. Would my daughter understand that she has two fathers? Will she be made fun of?

I was startled out of my internal musings when Michael strolled over.

"You know Dani, I'm forever grateful for my cousins allowing you to live with them so suddenly. I just don't understand why they would allow a stranger to live with them. " His hazel eyes searched mine curiously.

My face paled slightly, I have yet to tell him that one of his cousin's was the father of my child. I didn't want him to hate me.

He shrugged indifferently " I'm sure I'll find out eventually. So are you hungry?"

I sighed in relief, glad he dropped the subject. I didn't want to lie to my only friend.

"This baby has me hungry 24/7." I murmured, pulling myself to my feet.

"'This baby'? You do realize she's your baby right?" Michael questioned concerned. "Have you even picked out a name?"

I sighed, " I know she's mine, I'm pregnant with her aren't I?" He raised a brow at my haughty tone, "And no, I have not chose a name for her." I was so tired of people asking me that same questions.

I'll pick a name when she gets here. Michael grabbed my hand pulling me to the doors. "Well, lets feed my girls."


We arrived at Jame's restaurant much to my satisfaction, I was really craving his Italian sausage. I blushed at my thoughts.

Thankfully I didn't have to pay for it, there's benefits to knowing the owner.

He already had a plate ready for me and Michael. We took a seat at a table in the back, my eyes were glued to the plate in front of me.

The sausage was nestled comfortably on a bed of rice and gravy. When I told James that this was my favorite meal he immediately started serving it at his restaurant.
I dug in hungrily, lately I've been eating the way a pregnant woman is supposed to. I gained the weight I needed to, which made the boys really happy.

I nibbled my lip in thought, the reason the little girl doesn't have a name yet is because, well, I just don't want her to be real yet.

I know it's selfish, but soon she'll have James and Gavin to herself. Where does that leave me?

I know they said we were a family, but what if I don't click with her?

I finished my food pretty quickly then looked across at Michael.
He was staring at me, his eyes crinkled in concern.

I sighed, rolling my eyes. Here we go.

Michael quirked an eyebrow, " I'm going to ignore your sassiness because I'm concerned." He spoke softly, a wave of guilt washed over me as I stared at the table.
"How are you really doing with this baby? You can talk to me sweetheart." He murmured.

I clasped my fingers, what was I supposed to tell him? I know I'm not okay, but I don't want to worry him.

I gave him a, hopefully, reassuring smile.
"I'm okay Mickey," He smiled at the nickname " it's just nervous energy that's all."

Michael seemed to take her words at face value. "Oh sweetheart, you'll do fine. Why don't you put some thought into giving your little girl a name and that would help?"

Realization dawned on me, she is my little girl. I was so busy associating her as James and Gavin's baby that I didn't focus on the fact that I helped in making her.

I was not a surrogate for a gay couple I was a mother, she's mine just as much as there's.

With renewed energy I decided to tell him what I'd name her.

"W-we'll truth is, I have a name for her actually." I muttered, looking away shyly.

Michael grinned, "I knew you would. Am I allowed to know?"

I nodded, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "H-Harlow Schafer."
He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "I like it, it's unique."

I breathed a sigh of relief, Harlow was a name of a famous astronomer who discovered our Suns position in the milky-way.

I rubbed my bump, Mommy's ready for you now baby Harlow.

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