First comes the baby

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I gasped awake, my breathing heavy and labored. I could not decide if my water broke or if I was drench in sweat. I do know that I am in excruciating pain.

I moaned weakly as the door to my room burst open, "Are you okay? It sounds like you're in pain?" Gavin is followed in by a sleepy James.

However that sleep seemed long forgotten when he takes in my disheveled state. "The baby's coming isn't she."

I nod mutely, I was not sure who asked since my eyes were closed. My breathing grew haggard and a round of contractions begin.

Gavin took a deep breath and walked towards me, "I do not want you to panic Dani, but I can already see the babies head. How did you sleep through that?"

I've actually been in pain for hours, but I was told I had time between them before I had to actually panic. I may have waited to long.

A long loud wail slipped past my lips as my uterus seemed to be ripped from the inside out. "Okay, we're going to have to do this at home."

I looked up dazed " Here?"

He nodded, his eyes softened as James hastily got my clothing removed. His gentle hands dabbed my forehead with a cool rag Gavin handed him.

"Now I must admit, I've never done this before. But I tried my best to pay attention to the Miracle Of Life videos Michael made me watch." He took a deep breath and sat between my spread legs.

"James I need you to be her support, hold her hand and remember: it will hurt."

He looked confused but grabbed my hand nonetheless, " We got this baby girl." He kissed my forehead then squeezed my hand reassuringly.

The doctor said the baby would come in my eighth month due to his big she seemed to be. I remembered to breathe as sweat drenched my forehead.

What seemed to be an hour later a loud piercing cry split through the early morning. James walked hurriedly to the crying bundle.

"Daddy's here." He whispered as he cut the umbilical cord. He wrapped our child in a blanket.

Before I could relax another round of pain hit me, " G-Gavin that isn't the afterbirth!" I muttered out before another head began to push out of me.

Gavin hurriedly guided the crying little out. He cut the umbilical cord then cleaned his own bundle.

I stared completely stunned at not one but two little bundles. Each latched hungrily onto a nipple, their eyes closed as the rested.

Tears of joys fell from my eyes, my babies were healthy. I carefully stroked a finger over Harlow's soft arm, she was a little beauty with bright green eyes and ruff of raven hair.

Havens curly mane of raven hair went beautifully with a pair of indigo eyes. He was a sight to behold much like his twin sister.

We were interrupted by the doctor and my midwife coming inside. "Let's get you and the wee ones all checked up dearie."
The Irish woman shooed all the men out leaving the doctor. The doctor went about fussing over me as the midwife fussed over my 'wee ones'.

I haven't uttered a word since I had my babies, I was still so stunned. I was a mother, Gavin and James were fathers. I licked my slightly chapped lips as the they made sure my babies and I were comfortable.

When they were sure everything was okay the doctor escorted my boys back into the room. Harlow and Haven slept peacefully in a crib next to my bed. My sheets were fresh, I made sure to shower as well as clean my babies.

Words couldn't explain how happy I was as James and Gavin kissed my cheek a baby in each hand. I fell into a happy, exhausted slumber.

>.< Sorry for the short update, but I hope to start updating more. Things have just been so hectic.

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