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Weston.Wow.Ok. I look him in the eyes and turn on my heel,I start to power walk away when I hear
"Rachel!Wait up!!"
I roll my eyes,"What."I say with a very strong tone.
"I hope you have a safe travel"
"If that's all you have to say then goodbye."and with that I start walking to Mario's.I was half way there but then I see Mario's car coming down the street...
"Hey loser,get in we're going shopping"he yells quoting Mean Girls
"Ok Mario!!"I say even though I know we are going to airport and saying our goodbyes.After all these years I have realized that life is DEPRESSING.
***At the Airport**
We make it to the airport and I laugh at the name "TweetyBird Airport" wow ((A/N:reference to FanficWriter00  story :We met on a plane ride))
We walk to the gate and I start tearing up I have exactly one hour with Mario.
"Hey,I just wanted to say...um if you wanna try long distance..."
Mario says uncomfortable
"Of course."
{Time magically flies to this part}
I look nervously at Mario.
"You know I'm bad at goodbyes but, I want you to have this"and with that I hand him my bracelet that I have been wearing that reminds me of him for some reason.He smiles at me and takes it crying.He kisses me //on the lips// and smiles at my with a I love you look in his eyes.God I love him.
"I will come to visit in a week.I love you"and then he walks off
I get on the plane and pull out my phone but before I could do my password I start silent sobs.They shake my whole body and I make little chirp noises((A/N: does anybody else do this?!?!)) A boy who looks to be my age sits down besides me he looks at me and sees that I'm crying.I try to stop and I can't, I eventually sob myself to sleep.
^^One hour later^^
"So what happened?"the boy besides me says
"I just lost the love of my life...I had to move away."I say with a tear still streaming down my face
"Oh.Im Jonas Bridges...nice to meet you."He says with a smile
I try to smile back but it ends up with a smirk"Rachel.Rachel Harper."I say
"Oh!!You were Mario's girlfriend.."
"Um,yeah but actually I'm still his girlfriend."
"Right.Could I get your number?"he asks
"Um sure..."I hand him my phone and he hands me his.I put my contact as: RachBear🐻 and he puts his contact as: Jonas🐸 he smirks at my contact name and starts eating his pretzels that I guess he ordered while I was asleep...I realize I'm already following him on everything...weird...The flight ends and I get off the plane to see Blake holding a sign that's says:
HEY LITTLE SIS💛!!!i smile at it and run to him.
"Hey.I haven't seen you in forever!!"I half say half yell
"I know!!Lets get your stuff so I can show you your room."He says with a smile
**At House**
I walk into my room and see a beautiful room with pictures of me and Mario.Thats when the tears start rolling in..I go to my dresser and see all the things Mario has given me.A necklace,a bracelet, Some dead flowers,and a moon ring.I start sobbing and collapse on my bed.
       Life is so hard.

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