candy pov

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Bru nylah  was sent home and she just left a bitch  hanging, so when I get to her house  I see  trevon didn't  leave to go to school cause  his car their.  Soon as I went in nylah house trevon came out with  his shirt  off. Sup candy" said  trevon.  Hey nigga  and trevon  I will slap u stupid  if u and nylah  was doing wht I think  yall was doing " i said.   I'm  telling you  straight  up its wht u think so go ahead  and  slap" said  trevon.  Yall some lil nasties " I said.  Ik  we are but you say  shit cause u and Anthony  be doing stuff  to cause as I recall  it u and Anthony  did something  at derra's   party  last yr"said trevon.  Nigga  get shot  today cause u and everyone  else  promise  not to  bring it up again and   we were  drunk as fuck" i said.  Wht ever  I'm  leaving  to go to  my cousin  house  tell  nylah  I'll  be  back in a few " said  trevon.  Anyway  where is Nylah?" I asked.  She is  in the shower " said trevon.  Aight  bye" i said.  Bye and u better  not fuck up  my shit" trevon  said.  Nigga  I do wht ever I want when I  want to." I said.  Wht ever  man bye" said trevon  slamming  the door.

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