Shania pov

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Man nylah  crazy  as shit  man she also almost  killed blxe in school I mean  if she was going to  kill blxe at least  do on the street.  So I go to nylah  house and kayla  look like she about  to beat the shit out of nylah  only if nylah  didn't have  a gun in her hand. Nylah  wht tf wrong with" i asked.  It's  not nylah  it's  Dianne  can't  u tell?" Asked  kayla.  No" i said.  Well if u notice her eyes are  lava red "said kayla.

Nylah  calm  tf down  blxe  is not worth  u going to  jail  for so Dianne  go back to ur world and let nylah come back to Earth again plz " said kayla

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Nylah  calm  tf down  blxe  is not worth  u going to  jail  for so Dianne  go back to ur world and let nylah come back to Earth again plz " said kayla.  Fine I'll  go back to you world  but if that bitch mess with  me one more mf  time I'm coming  back  and I'm killing  her hoe ass " said  Dianne.  Damn we have got to keep blxe  away from nylah  before she end up in juvenile  for killing  blxe " said Shania.  Just then nylah  fell to the ground.  Nylah  u ok" i asked.  No my  head hurts and wht tf happened ?"Nylah asked.  Dianne  came out remember "said kayla.  No and damn that you imagine weak and my head hurt" Nylah said.  Y"i asked.  Because  I haven't  learn  how to  control  Dianne  which means that Dianne  can come out any time and I can't  control  her because  Idk  how " said nylah.  Oh hell no u going learn how to control  Dianne today cause I'm not about to get killed  by Dianne, so  ur going  to  a counselor 

understood ''I said. Understood "said nylah. Good   and now wht happen  between  us and blxe  I'll  explain  once we're  in the house said  nylah.

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