ch 4 the answer

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Her number. Laurence went to bed and said I will send this letter to her tomorrow. He went to bed. He woke up a almost miss the mailman. The time he got the letter he saw it was for aphmau when he was checking the mailbox. When he left aphmau came out she said hi and I said hi back. She looked in the mailbox and saw that I made her a letter she turned really red. She got home. Aphmau said girls Laurence send me a letter they came down and said open it! Aphmau opens it ~letter starts~ it said aphmau you are really funny you make me laugh all the time. You are sweet like a cupcake. You are my light. One thing I want to ask you can I have your number. I known its only been 4 days here so yes or no. ~letter ended~. Aphmau passed out. Aphmau wakes up like an hour later. Aphmau said what happened. Katlen said Laurence sent you a letter and you read it then you passed out. Aphmau said should I give him my number. The both said yes. Aphmau said I'm going to go upstairs and writing him a letter. She goes up there. She starts the letter. 
Dear Laurence...

Sorry not really. Tell me if you like the book so far tell me the truth please:3 don't forget to follow me. Thank you people who has read my books. Message me and tell me I read your book you should do #laurmau garmau zanemau I don't known I'm running out of ideas.
See you guys later bye:3

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