Aphmau said Laurance since this place is closing soon. Why don't we start our own café called Kawiia treat café. Laurance said that sounds like amazing. Laurance said I can ask cadenza to do the outfits. Aphmau said and I will ask Katlyn and Kawiia chan to do the ads. then Aphmau and Laurance got up and put a tip on the table. (time skip to when Aphmau and Laurance get home) Laurance drives into the driveway. Aphmau and Laurance got out of the car and walked to Aphmau house. When they got in the house Aphmau and Laurance sat on the couch and watched Netflix. When they finished the show on Netflix. Aphmau said Laurance (lightly punches). Laurance said what ( sounding like he didn't care.) Aphmau said I just figured out an idea for the girls maid outfits. Laurance was about to say something but Aphmau cut him off because she was so happy she got an idea for the outfits.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ideas for the girl maid outfits~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
knee length
blueish grey
with a bow in the back
and GLITTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Laurance said and for the guys outfits (saying worried). Aphmau gave Laurance a evil stare. Laurance said Aphmau you are scaring me with that evil stare. Aphmau said to Laurance the guys outfits will be covered head to toe in GLITTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laurance was about to say something then Laurance just passed out (because of GLITTER)
Hope you guys liked the story it was really fun to make. I don't know why I did this chapter on glitter. ohhhhhh yeah I remember know we used glitter today in art and lets say I got a little carried away. I love making stories for you guys especial this one . will be doing a drawing contest soon I just don't know when I am going to do it.
So see my little shippers later
bye :3

Laurmau love story
Fanfictionis Laurence good for aphmau. read this book and find out. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: **I do not own any of the characters I only own some of the plots. ** ====================================