A Walking Hell...

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"hey Ems can we go shopping today i want to get Jc a suprise" i asked "yeah sure aubs"


we are looking for a store that jc would like and we found one as we walk in side i see a glimpse of jcs hair so i stare at it longer and see that JC is with his ex so i thought they started kissing and jc led the girl to the bathrooms and i broke down crying..

"aubs whats wrong?are you okay?what happened?" Emily asked " i-i saw j-jc wi-with another gir-rl"i stuttered crying "WHERE IS THE MOTHER FUCKER" she screamed out of temper and i pointed to the bathrooms and she ran in there...


she pointed to the bathrooms and i ran in there and i was really pissed like i was a tea kettle rn like no joke but i found them making out in the bathrooms and Jc was fucking her...

" YOU SON OF A WHORE WHY ARE YOU CHEATING ON AUBS LIKE THIS SHE SAW EVERYTHING AND I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO BUT YOU NEED TO GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!!!" i yelled and punched him right in the nose and shoved a bar of soap up that girls ass and ran out of there all the way to aubrey and told her what happened and she laughed for a second but it went away real fast...

Aubrey's POV.

When i got home i locked myself in the bathroom and got my blades out all i was thinking of was...

slut, he would never fall for a bitch like you, ugly, fat, kill yourself

i sliced all up my left forearm and took 10 advils till i got dizzy and blacked out, now its all over, now i dont have to deal with broken hearts or any more shit...

Emily's POV.

i heard a bang on the bathroom floor and i immediately ran upstairs and banged on the door all i heard her say was "its all over now" OMG she trying to comitt suicide i called 9/11 and busted down the door

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