Moving to a far place

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Wassuh? im Aubrey and im 19 and ive had a pretty bad life but i will explain later rn me and Emily are moving to California and i live in texas rn so lets see how it goes...

"EM ARE YOU READY TO GO YET" i complained "AUBS CALM DOWN WE HAVE ENOUGH TIME" she yelled from upstairs, i was down stairs waiting at the door and she finally cam down stairs "okay now lets go so we don't miss our flight"i said and she nodded


"hey em have you seen my duffel bag?" i asked "nope" she said popping the p

"excuse me ma'am is this your duffel bag" the very attractive man asked "uhh y-yeah thats mine um thanks sooo whats your name" i rammbled he laughed "im Jc, Jc Caylen but uhh i have to go if i could get your number" he asked i just sat there and blushed lke a damn idiot " uhm y-y-yeah s-sure" i stuttered putting my number in his phone and he did the same with mine then we went our seperate ways...


I was at the mall with Emily and i was about to walk into aeropostal and then i saw Jc with a girl and i know i should be happy for him but for some reason something inside of me wanted to kill that girl. i can't like JC and i wont he has a girl friend. but beofre i knew it i was crying so i ditched the mall and text JC and asked what he was doing

(J-jc + A-aubrey)

A- Hey whatcha doin'?

J-Nothin ive been home all day

Did he just lie to me?? oh now hes gonna get it

A-so i was wondering umm do you have a girlfriend?

J-uh no why?

A- cause i saw you at the fucking mall today kissing a girl and dont try and say that she kissed you and you didnt see it coming cause you had her pinned to a god damn wall.

J-shit okay im sorry for lying to you i just.. didnt want to tell you yet

A-save it jc you lied twice already in 2 minutes okay now save your shit for your girlfriend

after that i just kept crying and crying and crying still i fell asleep and ive locked my self in there for 2 days and jc has been blowing up my phone then i checked twitter but i got pissed when i saw this

@jccaylen when you thought you found the perfect one but you relize that they dont care

Bitch the fuck you have to be joking like hes the one that lied to me about being at the mall and having a girlfriend..

@itsAubreybitch when you relize your whole life is a mother fuckin lie 

he then texted me..

J- will you meet up with me at the park at 6?

A-fine be there in 10

after that i left and when i got there i saw him by the creek so i sat by him "what do you want" i said "Aubrey ever since i meet you i couldnt stop thinking about you and then i relized i love you more than my girlfriend so i broke up with her an-"

"WAIT WHAT WHY I DIDNT WANT YOU TO DO THAT" i yelled now alot of people are staring but i dont mind "listen aubs i wanted to but would you do me the honor of being my lovley girlfriend"

i couldnt believe what i was hearing but obviously i said yes...


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