Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Jacobs P.O.V.

The dance is getting closer we only have a few days left before it. I'm really excited to see how Bella looks. She's gonna look breath taking I think. She's got a good body for a dress. She just never seems to see that. I can tell that she doesn't. I think if she realized how beautiful she actually was she would dress up more often or dress nicer but knowing that people barely notice that she exists I can't blame her for not trying.  I'm so excited for this dance I'm not sure why I don't really do this whole dance thing. I'm gonna have to learn to dance i don't know who I'll ask to teach me.

** Later that morning at school **

"Hey Jacob"

I know that voice I turn around & see that if it isn't the devil herself Queen Bee.

"Uh hi" I say not really wanting to talk.

"I heard you found a date to homecoming."  Peyton says

"Yeah I did and your point is?" I ask

"That you didn't ask me you clearly see something in that other girl.. not really sure what is it is. She's a nobody" she says

"I don't want to start anything with you but Bella is a sweet very caring lovely girl. And she isn't a nobody and why don't you grow up and stop playing these childish games." I said

"Uh what gives you the right to speak to me like that.." Peyton says like she's the Queen or something

I don't say anything back I just walk away. I can't let her get under my skin. Because that's exactly what she wants to do. I refuse to let her win.

Peyton's P.O.V.

"Hey Jacob" I say in a very kind voice.

There's just something about this boy that drives me crazy but he doesn't have any interest in me. He see something in this Bella girl. Also known as "Invisible Girl" nobody hardly even knows.

"Uh hi" Jacob says

I can just tell he doesn't want to talk. I just wish he was attracted to me I'm pretty so I don't get what the problem is.

I tried my hardest to get him to ditch his homecoming date to go with me but obviously it didn't work very well..

"So I heard you have a date to homecoming?" I say in a very hurtful way

"Yeah and your point is?" Jacob says

After he asks that I said something really hurtful to him since he cares about Bella I really wish I didn't say that.. I bet that's why he doesn't like me because of the fact that I'm so rude to everyone. Especially towards Bella maybe if I wasn't so rude or mean to people maybe he would like me? But I highly doubt it plus I'd be loosing my popularity which really isn't worth it to me. I've worked really hard to get where I am now & I'm not about to loose it for some stupid boy that means nothing.

I start to think more about it. He really isn't a stupid boy who means nothing.. I think I have real true feelings for him. What have I done??

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