It's Now Or Never...

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"Alright all you lovely passengers, were docked in England now! I hope you enjoyed the flight on behalf of Flight Express. Please dismiss safely and have a nice day." The pilot announced.

I was up before the pilot made his announcement, stating that we can leave now. I was texting mum and Gemma telling them we made it and we'd be home shortly.

Everyone had to wait for everyone to leave off the plane and the police to get here, before we could actually make our way out.

I shoved my phone into my pocket and tossled my hair.

I looked over at Cieara, she was asleep again. Which is a good thing because jetlag is a bitch.

I soon rested my face in my hand, the cool metal of my rings made me jump a little at instant touch. I closed my eyes and relaxed.

My mind went blank, and before no time I was asleep.

"Sir. Sir." A heard a voice startled me, and woke me up.

"Yes? Im up, I'm up!" I coughed.

I was most definitely up. I blinked multiple times before my eyes could actually find and focus on who was speaking.


"Mr.Styles, everyone left, and security's here waiting."

"Thanks." I mumble.

I turn to Cieara who was sleeping it away. I gently shook her.

"Babe.... Babe... Baby... Wake up." My voice was low, but loud enough to be heard.


I raised my voice, into an almost a yell.

"Babe! Wake up!!"

She jumped literally out of her seat, shaking and looking around everywhere.

"I'm up, I'm up! Geesh!" She stood up yawning.

"Sorry babe, I didn't mean to scare you." I laughed.

"It's ok." She mumbled.

"Thanks Chad. Do you mine telling them that were on our way?"

"No problem."

"Thanks." I say as he walks away.

"What do we do now?" She was rubbing her eyes.

"What we do now, is go meet the guards to escort us to the car that my mum has pre parked waiting for us."

"Oohh. Ok gotcha."

I make my way over to where she is and I take her by the shoulders and direct her to where I previously was.

I open the bag storage door thing above me, and take her suitcase out and set it down on the seat, so I can close it behind me.

I take her bag and and her hand and start towards the exit.

"To the car?"

"Well to the guards first."

"Paul's here?" She asked.

"Na, he was in LA last we spoke. I'm not sure where he is."

"Oh, I see."

We make our way a few feet away from the exit door, we see the group of males to escort us.

"Ello guys."

"Ello" They all chimed.

"Where too?" The biggest guy asked immediate, taking the luggage into his own hands.

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