Liquid Gold Eyes

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Y/N ran through the dark, cold forest. Her shoes slapped noisily against the damp grass as she slipped and slid around, desperate to escape the figure following slowly behind her.

'I don't want to end this way! How could he do this?' Y/N thought, fear fogging her sense of judgement and thoughts as she continued to run.

She wheezed and panted heavily as she ran further and further into the darkness, turning to glance behind her every few seconds. Her fear for the man stalking her causing her adrenaline to run rampant.

'He can't catch me! I can't let him! I can't-' Y/N's foot slid sideways, knocking her legs from under her and causing her to fall to the damp forest floor. She struggled to get up, exhaustion limiting the movement and causing her to meet the ground once more.

"Y/N... Stop..." The male's voice echoed a little distance away, the sound of his boots thumping heavily on the ground increasing her fear and desperateness.

Y/N coughed and wiped her hair from her face as she carefully turned herself around and leaned onto her knees. She stared weakly at the feet of the man she loves, his silhouette becoming more visible as he advanced on her.

"Shin-Ah... Please..." She wheezed once more while her gaze slowly trailed up his legs as the moonlight outlined his form.

"Look at me Y/N... let me see your bright eyes..." His gentle voice caused her to relax slightly as she remembered all the times she heard the soothing voice of the man she loved more than anything. She found herself slowly looking up before suddenly realized what she was doing and quickly averted her eyes, her petite form shaking as she did so.

"This isn't you Shin-Ah, what happened to the sweet, loving man I fell for?" Y/N struggled to hold herself up, pain tingling in her scratched and cut palms. She slowly began to push herself onto her feet as Shin-Ah stopped in front of her.

"...I'm doing this to protect you Y/N. Since the day I first laid my eyes on you, I had a feeling I would need to use them on you. And now you give me no choice, I can't let you hurt yourself..." He murmured softly as he crouched and slid his fingers slowly under the young females chin.

Y/N sobbed as she felt his gentle fingers rub her chin and slowly tilt her face upward. She trembled heavily as she felt his gaze upon her, even though her E/C eyes were squeezed shut, she felt his powers slowly paralyzing her legs and arms.

'It feels as if a snake as tightening around my limbs... it's soothing, but it hurts....' Y/N thought as she went slack and Shin-Ah removed his hand from her chin to catch her by the shoulders. Y/N stared weakly at his legs, tears welling up in her E/C eyes.

"Y/N..." He held her against his chest and pressed his lips to her forehead.

"...Am I going to have to force you to look, or are you going to give in love?" The blue dragon whispered gently in her ear as he ran his fingers through her H/C hair, occasionally twining his fingers in a loose strand. Y/N suddenly tensed as she felt his powers loosening it's hold on her arms and legs.

'I can't give in to him... I can't be like this forever...' She thought determinedly as she suddenly pushed herself away from him with all her might. Y/N fell onto her rear and forced herself off her knees and onto her feet while the male was shocked.

"I love you Blue Dragon... I don't know what happened to you, but I can't let you break me!" She yelled as she gained her balance and began to run in the other direction, her H/C hair falling in her eyes as she stumbled away as fast as her quivering legs would allow her.

Panic suddenly seized her as she heard him pursue her aggressively, and she turned to glance behind her.

'No! If our gazes meet, he'll paralyze me!' She thought as she stared straight ahead at the last moment, his yell behind her shocked her beyond belief considering she had never heard him raise his voice before.

"Y/N! Stop! You can't run from me!" The large male yelled from behind her, his voice echoing around the forest along with the sound of his boots slamming against the earth as he gained on the young female he was so desperately in love with.

Y/N shook her head wildly as she continued to run, her wheezing increasing as she slowed from exhaustion and fear.

"Y/N! If I have to stop you myself, It will cause you great pain!" He shouted after her while he slowed down and began to feel frustration and anger tightening in his chest.

"The man I loved would never hurt me even if it meant saving me from myself!" Y/N yelled in response as she began to trip and stumble over herself. She heard her heart beat in her ears as she slowed down to a jog, her chest painfully squeezing with panic and exhaustion.

Suddenly she froze on the spot, her E/C eyes widening with horror and shock as she felt his powerful gaze slowly immobilizing her arms and legs. Y/N fell to the ground, numbness and pain dominating her body as the man slowed to a walk as he approached once more.

"...I warned you my love, I'll do anything to keep you to myself..." He whispered breathily as he pulled Y/N's back to his chest and rested his chin on the back of her head.

Y/N felt tears welling up in the corner of her eyes as he felt his soothing heart beat against her back. Her eyes never left the ground, his and her legs stretched in front of them.

"Why...." She whispered as she felt his breath rustle her hair when he exhaled heavily through his nose.

"...Because I love you, and you belong to me." The large male replied softly as he curled his forefinger and tilted her chin gently to the side.

"Y/N. Look into my eyes if you love me." Shin-Ah whispered steadily as he held her head up, his gaze trained on her shoulder as he used his ability to watch her heart beat in her chest.

"Oh Shin-Ah," Y/N murmured her eyes slowly trailing up his arm, "I've always loved you."

She closed her eyes for a moment and inhaled before opening them and locked her eyes on his. She sobbed while she felt her hot tears trail down her cheeks as he leaned and pressed his lips gently to hers, slowly moving them against hers as his liquid gold eyes searched hers. He grabbed a fistful of her hair and slowly pulled her head back, deepening the kiss as he destroyed her from the inside out with his eyes.

'Such beautiful eyes...' Y/N thought for the last time as she kissed back desperately, her tears dropping onto his cheeks before falling into him, darkness consuming her forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2016 ⏰

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