Chapter Two

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Okay so maybe I couldn't help myself and I made another chapter. I added a song i thought reflected Silas the best at this particular point in the book. Enjoy, and remember he's NOT HUMAN AT ALL!!! Just a little hint for ya there.

Silas's flinched awake as something fell onto his sleeping face, sliding down his left cheek. At first he thought his sleep crying was resurfacing, as it always had when he had dreams of his lost love flashed through his pounding skull, but when his eyes gained focus they narrowed in curiosity.

Thick spatters of blood dripped down the ceiling from above; oozing down the dark walls, the even darker substance shown in clear contrast. It was obvious some chunks of flesh clung to the bland ceiling, it's color stained from past years of other fights from roughty patients. He could almost imagine every fight that had taken place, feel the burning pain of the losing opponent. He reviled in their pain  for it only made him stronger.

The remains of the poor jackass who'd come to fetch him from his solemn little hell. Bleak and unfulfilling. For some reason he expected hell to be well… hell. Full of physical pain and torture he had supplied to others in the past.

They were lowlives, just like him. They'd killed, just like him. Hell, he'd even partnered with a few when the dirty jobs called for it.

Now all he wanted was his Lillian. Sweet, innocent, beautiful, dead. His teeth clenched together as his mind fell back onto the blood crusted room. The fleshy bones of the poor SOB laying in a bloody pool beside him. He retch out beside him to explore the cold surface of the glossy floor beneath him.  Icy and black like his soul.

Abrupt Shouting could be heard over the sounds of a siren exploding outside the little room. 'They called the fucking cops on me! They said they didn't call the cops on sick patients, THE FUCKING LIARS!' He rose off the ground like a phantom, landing himself on his feet perfectly, waiting patiently for their arrival.  Before they could land a foot in the doorway he spoke up, "I wouldn't do that if I were you." His voice was low and deadly challenging. Everyone halted their synchronized marches to train their guns on a fatal point of the mans body, a thousand little red dots trained on the black hole where his heart used to thrum useless beats throughout his body. Pumping full of unearthly power humans used to think belonged the truly wicked and damned souls condemned to the deepest pits of hell.

The worst part: they brought guns to an insane asylum full of people who were just as hell bound as he was. Almost all of them are gone in one way or the other. The other just about as desirable as the later.

One of the many officers stepped forward; hand out in a calming manor, the other wrapped around the body of a high grade automatic riffle he pointed to the ground. 'dumbass…'

"Sir, stand down. We will not hesitate to fire." Silas would have given the officer applause for the mans steady, negotiating voice if his trembling outstretched hand and rank smell of gut reaching fear hadn't caught his sences. And the fact the dude was just about as bright as a gorillas back side.

Silas let out A deep chuckle that boomed through the small room like thunder, more amused than pissed at the soldiers for standing in his way of escape– fear was not something humans could inflict on this particular being. "Okay…" he simply stated, lifting his hands to the back of his head and dropping to his knees on floor. He felt the cold cemented floor under the thin cotton pajama pants wrapped tight around the tall man's wide middle. A simple gray T-shirt to match.

He and the lone officer never took their eyes off each other as he carefully made his way to the kneeling male. Not even a shred of armor or thick clothing to protect him. Ignoring the sences telling  him to run away from the surrendering giant he slowly moves closer. Fear and caution lighting a determined fire in the Officers belly.

Reaching for the mans hands that rested on the back of his head almost breezily he inched as close as he dared.

Silas's hand shot out to snake around his neck, using the other free hand to wrap around the officers that was holding the gun, he pointed it to the petrified mans body. His soldiers acted instantly pulling their guns to the firing position, the ones in the front crouching low to let the ones behind them raise their weapons to rest on the center of the apposing mans skull. Red dots flaring all round.

He leaned in low to whisper in the captains ear, "Tell them to do exactly as I say Captain, and you'll live to see tomarow." He said the words slowly, their thick pronunciation echoed clearly in the leading officers racing mind.

Giving up a little he raised his read to eye his men with a proud gaze that trailed down his best trained men yet. "Do what he says," he yelled out orderly passing glances over to his most prized soldier and only son. Crouching on the far side of the door he stayed in the fire when ready pose his father had taught him. One finger hovering over the trigger to shoot at the right opportunity.

"Turn  those fucking lasers off, what the hell do you think we're in Lil' Todd's after party!" When they obeyed he shoved the man forward to walk in front of him as a shield. "Move," he gestured to one side of the room. His is voice came out low and warning  but they heard him clearly.

Moving to one side of the hall he kept his eyes on them at all costs. Keeping their Captain in front of him in a test to see if they would fire to keep him from escaping. Not that it would stop him, only piss him off further. Plus he could due without the pain of bullet wounds slowly healing back together.

Reaching the end of the hall he gave his captive one final command, "Consider this my one and only mercy Captain. You'd better spend all the time you have left with your son, for it could very well be your last."

With those words still ringing in his ears he felt Silas's pressure release from his neck along with a final brush of wind against his body. Turning sound to shoot  the man for threatening his family Silas Reyes was nowhere to be found.

So how'd you like it so far my beautiful weirdos? That picture up there is of Silas Reyes. More characters comin' soon!!!
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If you think it could improve or if it needs more action or humor or ANYTHING just tell me. I Need to know these things people. Byeeeeee!  LYL ;)

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