Chapter 13

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I woke up startled. I was so stiff, I felt as if moving would cause me to snap in two like a Ginegr-bread man. I was back in the cell with the white walls surrounding me. He was pacing back and fourth as if he had been waiting for me to awaken. An anxious look on his face suggested I had been out a while but how long? He spotted my movement and quickly rushed over placing his massive palms on my shoulder gripping fiercely. His eyes glaring intensely like a man on a mission.

“Moult no feather young Pyro as you do not need any foil and target, thou must now break away from this hell, not even shriving time allowed”. This was all so sudden and I didn’t know what was going on, where was Lewis, where was Joe, where was Waterlas. All I got out of his speech was that we were escaping. Then in a quick chain of events he ripped up a floor tile before flinging it across the room with his great strength. He stimulated it with his unbelievable electric power. The door slowly opened and the unfilled courtyard lay before us, now even emptier, desolate like a graveyard at night.

I said “why didn’t you do that in the first place!” as we could of been out of this place a lot sooner and I can’t see why you would stay by choice.

He turned his head “thou shall question me no more! As much containing events are about to occur”, what was he doing? Well I had no idea but his rage was intense, similar to my friend Cory’s when he gets ticked off. I followed him into the courtyard. The lights flickered and turned on, they must have been censored.  It was as quiet as graveyard at night as well!

Electrobe then ran over using his power on three doors and they stuttered before opening slowly. Then appeared Joe and Lewis, my two great friends in their white overalls and boots. In the final cell was the quite beautiful Waterlas who slid her head gracefully around the corner wondering what was happening. I shouted “come on…come on, he has a plan…we are escaping!”. She ran out.

The muffling of the speakers filled the air “ what exactly do you think your doing! Guards get in there teach them a lesson.

Joe turned to me “Where have you been dude, we have been like, worrying man”

I looked at him and twisted my face “where have I been? I have just woke up in my cell”

Lewis interrupted me “Jamie it’s been a month at least since that questioning”. I was shell shocked, I couldn’t remember anything. To me it seemed like one nights sleep. Electrobe however quickly took it off my mind. He grabbed Joe forcefully ripping off his sleave and used his power on a metal wristband which was locked onto Joes arm.

“ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” he screamed. The wristband fell off. Now what? What even was Joes power. Electrobe then grabbed Joe viciously by the shoulders shaking him as he screamed

“alas young fade away you must now secure you and your comrades safety, may angels and ministers guide you!” Fade away was the name written on his tag, I wonder if these tags held any more meaning then just a prisoner name. I needed to find out but now wasn’t the time.

Joe replied to him “I can’t control my power man”

I looked around everyone had worry slapped on their forehead. Electrobe spoke again as seven guards appeared up through various trapdoors around us, we were surrounded.

Electrobe used then began swinging his arms round like a helicopter creating a circle of vicious electricity protecting us from the aiming guards.

He screamed at the top of his viscous voice “do it now! now! Hold hands and prepare yourselves for a journey”. We grabbed each other’s hands Joe , looked at the ceiling then back down.

He said crisply “see ya in hell White!” then we were gone, we were somewhere new but somebody was missing.  

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