Chapter 15 Alighted welcome

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Chapter 15 Alighted welcome

The door swung open with an almighty crash. Haroon was always powerful. He did mixed martial arts so even with my newfound power he wasn’t the sort of guy I would mess with. He had super strength in his own right. Would never expect him to be a wiz with computers. Really out of character In terms of his appearance. His eyes were barely open we had obviously either woke him up or been the catalyst to have his eyes finally drawn away from a computer or television screen.  When his eyes came into contact with mine they burst into life like an alit firework.

He erupted in excitement, we had always been quite close “ Wow Jamie, Joe, Lewis and erm you ha-ha come right in guys it’s a bit of a mess”.  His smile made my life light up I felt so happy, I still had friends outside the nightmare.

I replied I wouldn’t expect anything but mess Haroon but all I can say is the hospitality will be far greater then where we came from”

He said “you will have to tell me, every detail, every part” he said as he hurried us into his house. The sort friendliness he showed us that day I would make sure to repay either in the short or long term for definite.

We went in his room and sat circle, well Haroon was at the computer screen typing away. He was a man of strong views and don’t mind telling us exactly what he thought.

“So guy’s what’s the happening, where have you been, whose the girl? He asked”

I replied “well basically Haroon we have superpowers, not much more I can say”

He raised his eyebrows “superpowers ey, I’d read it on a few forums like but I never …I never thought it would be true

There was then a deathly silence. His eyes then lit up again.  His reaction was predictable “prove it you have to be having me on, I know I’ve read it but its impossible” but as he said that he was eating a peach and my friend Haroon was easily distracted…“what happens if you swallow the stone from peach?” It was so random especially in context to the conversation we were having.

Lewis then broke his silence “Haroon, Scott, David and Cory and that are killing and we need to know if there’s a way to protect us”

I buttered in protect ourselves “where meant to be the heroes

Haroon started talking “really! I had heard about Dan but not them” which how’s how hard it is to believe they were once just like Haroon normal teenagers and me. I still find it hard to believe it.

We all replied at once “Dan?”

He replied rumors have it that Dan can control ice and that, cool yeah? But he wants power… but it’s just something I read on a Japanese forum”

I glanced over at Joe still clinging on to her. Love can sometimes be magic. But magic can sometimes…just be an illusion so I should let her go stick with my friends. I turned to Haroon and I told him “We need to find them Haroon, do you think you can try find them”.

He replied “yeah…yeah sure mate I’m on it”. He was straight on the computer, don’t have a clue what he was doing but in minutes he had the location of Scott. He was not with the normal.

Then Waterlas finally talked “Fate leads the willing, and drags along the reluctant.” I found it interesting but whom was she talking about, was she calling me reluctant. Did she think I was weak? It was then an opportunity to prove my strength and power to her that was a hero.  Haroon then exclaimed “Scott’s in Tokyo, he was spotted in a local gang war, people thought they had a giant robot ha-ha”

Joe went ”Haroon how did you know what his power was eh? We never told you!”

He looked at us with wandering eyes “because he came here the day you got your powers, needed some fake documents to get him out the country”. Then just as we were about to question Haroon further the window smashed and fell in small individual pieces. Gas began seeping out, The hideous gas from the prison. They had found us, I wasn’t sure we could escape this one.

The air was misty and dim; my vision had become very poor. We were trapped like hamster in a cage. At his point I did not think I would have escaped with my freedom still in tact that day. I thought the man in the white suit had checkmated me once again but I was bounded by wild desire. I felt like a loser, an idiot I should have known coming here wasn’t safe, that he would have had a tracker on us. Then it came to me a way of escaping, a way of establishing my freedom for at least the considerable future.  It was as simple as changing a lightbulb.

I kept thinking, “Love is a burning thing” which is a lyric from a Johnny Cash song. That’s when it came to me. A ring of fire. It would at least buy us some precious time. Then I thought would it really work then the thought of Lew’s phenomenal super speed came to mind. If he ran round in a circle it would build up flying debris, which I could set alight using my flames.  I called Lew over Lewis it’s time to stop whimpering and be a hero, if you run as fast as you can round the hosue it shud build a cloud of rubbish and then I can set it alight therefore giving us a chance toescape. Have you got me, Lew have you got ,e”

“yeah I guess it’s worth a go, I’ll do anything to stay free to see Emma again, I can’t live without her”. It was when I saw that sensitive tear run down his face that I had to do everything I could to get us out of here.

I shouted to Joe “get them to the roof and prepare to telepor, I know you do it Joe”

“but Jamie..” he said

I shouted again “get to the roof!”

Before turning to face the land in front of us, a van full of guards, then a Limo. How could it be, the man in the White suit here already. The prison must have been close, it just musr of been. I shouted at him “Your village just called. They’re missing an idiot.” And as I said it we put our plan into action swiftly.

Lew's began to sprint in a constant circle, which in itself unblocked the now much more heavily armored guards from entering the house. One who must have had the courage of a million lions attempted to breach the circle and was resultedly flung backward with incredible speed and power crashing into the house across the road, sending bricks crumbling

I screamed “now” and Lew leaped onto the house as I set the circle alight, raging embers now protected us and more importantly kept us warm. Loved a good fire. It was time to get to the roof but when igot their things were not as I hoped.

They had left me I was now a sitting duck, alone again. I knew anger was one letter short of danger, I needed to keep calm. Then finally a bit of luck went my way. It’s then I knew every man has his own destiny: the only imperative is to follow it, to accept it, no matter where it leads him as good will always be rewarded.

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