One last song......

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"What the heck?" You turned to the flower "you corrupted this game you monster!" You laughed "I am a monster but life isn't a game little flower!"the flower looked annoyed "this one is"it said slowly"and my name is As-Flowey not Little flower"you kneeled next to it "did I ask your opinion?"you said quietly, ripping the flower out of the floorboards"DIE!"them you threw him out the window that you walked downstairs to the skelybros papyrus looked at you then backed away slowly you looked at Sans and his eye faintly glow blue "what?" You pulled up your phones camera you dropped your phone your eyes turned colpletly red  you shut your eyes and covered them"what the heck?!" You opened your eyes again to see blackness and you feels a hand on your right shoulder and muffled voices for a few seconds then they got quiet you felt shaking again then you saw a little dog "your life is ending" it said shutting its eyes"I'm really sorry but you must reset before you die"the dog opened its eyes"when you feel a pain in your chest seeming to be a slash from your shoulder to your hip you must reset"you tried speaking but nothing came out of your mouth" the dog seemed to lisen to what you wanted to say "you want to know how to reset? Ask Frisk you know her right? Well I must go now good luck"you saw a flash and then sans and papyrus in front of you there faces worried "(Y/N)!!" They said then hugging you you pushed them off of you "I...I have to see someone"you grabbed your phone and dashed to frisks house you kicked the front door down *FRISK I NEED YOU RIGHT NOW" you yelled then frisk came downstairs and yawned " what is it?"you pulled her close"how do you reset?" You wispered making sure no one heard frisk sighed"do you want a long talk about how to reset?"
You nodded
a few hours later

"That's a lot of info" Frisk nodded "are you going to pay for the door?" You smiled" nope!"  Then you walked out of the broken door

Two days later cus I'm lazy

You went downstairs after getting changed into some non dirty clothes with a (F/C) sweatshirt just like sans'  all of the monsters  had turned human because of the radiation on the surface  that they where not used to no one knew how it happened in two days but it did

You went to grilby's where you found sans you drank some ketchup with him,got drunk(because I have changed the laws in this ur only 18 but in here u can drink plz don't drink underage)then drunk lay texted ur friend frisk then fell asleep not knowing you and frisk deleted the texts

F: bro u where so drunk yesterday I passed by  and took care of you two

U:sans was drunk too?


U:what did we do this time?

F:well... you ran around cairried Grilb around screaming "I found that one guy from that one movie"

U:that's not too bad

F:you then dumped water on him, took off a table leg and hugged it rolling around on the floor and then sacked one of the royal Garda unconscious

U:that's the nor-
You stopped typing but it sending to frisk
F:u ok there (y/n)?)

You felt an unforgiving pain trough your chest papyrus bursting trough your door sans in his arms (y:n) sans ne- pap saw you holding your stomach he layed sans on your bed  lifting his shirt a large slash bleeding on your white sheets pap forced you down onto your bed "S-a-n-S?" You got out of your mouth painfully "shh you have to lay down and be quiet you sat up a little and took off your shirt (if ur female u obviously have a bra and if ur male. U know ) you say a large slash  on your chest starting to bleed you layed back down  you felt a hand grab yours it was sans (Y-n) you hugged him you will be ok sans you be ok "are we dying?" He asked slowly

"Shhh you are ok"

Play the song up above

"Wait a second let me catch my breath"

"Remind me what it's like to here your voice"

"Your lips are moving but I can't here a thing"

"Living life as if we had a choice"

"Any where any time I will do anything for you oh oh anything for ya"

"Yesterday got away"

"Melodies stuck inside your head"

"As sung in every breath" 
A few familiar voices joined in you smiled Mettaton,Undyne,papyrus,and your little dog seemed to sing along to

"Sing me to sleep now"

"Sing me to sleep"

"Oh just sing me to sleep to sleep now"

"Sing me to sleep"
Then mettatons speakers kicking in him being the only non human monster and the last thing you hearing is everyone saying goodbye to the both of you you heard a sweet voice whisper in your ear"Goodbye, my child" you smiled holding onto sans and whispering "I will miss all all of you then a reset button in front of you  it FADDED away after a few seconds your last breath escaping your mouth and you shut your eyes hoping the world would go on without you

Frisks pov (hold up I got to go to the bathroom)

Papyrus:they r dying
P:sans and (y/n) on my way!

I tree my phone into my purse and ran as fast as possible to there house but it was to late sans soul was blue and (y/n)s (f/c) the shattered into four pieces both of them and evryone cried Mom went over to (y/n) and wispered something in her ear saw a shattered reset button on the blood covers sheets as if painting them red (y/n) I wispered curing into a ball and crying

Sans pov

The last thing I heard was evreyone singing I hugged (y/n) tighter as I felt her last breath on my skin as I died I felt a warm glow behind me the reset button but I felt it shatter and fall into the covers

Pappys pov

I never thought someone would pass up the opertunitiy to reset yet (y/n) did I heard them singing to sans and elbowed Mettaton to look up the song on his database we all started singing and I saw (y/n) smile her last smile I know when sans got older he wanted to ask (y/n) to marry him but they never got the chance...

Mettatons pov

Papyrus elbowed me I heard (y/n singing and instantly looked up the song we sang it as they both died

The little dog pov

My owner dying before my own eyes it pained for me to see them like this

Undyne's pov

The little punk died right there in front of me Alphys was at work so she couldn't come that was the first I had ever sang for someone I never thought I would need to I will miss sans and (y/n)

Toriels pov

My own technical child dying in front of me I choked back my tears as I walked over to (y/n)"goodbye my child" I would miss them and sans I remember listening to sans jokes and puns through the large door I remember Asriel brringing her to me just to tell me they where just friends and nothing more ....

Then they turned to dust the wind blowing into the room scattering it out the other window later on in life it grew (f/c) roses and florecent blue roses as if the two lovebirds where trying to tell us they where still here and that they where ok the two will be remembered in every way

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