Sakamaki (Lemon)

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You and Shu were walking around town to get some violin strings for your violin. Shu yawned and said,"Remind me again, why did I have to come?" You looked over to him and said,"Because, my dad said it's important to replace a violin's strings because if we don't then the tunes won't even sound beautifully at all." Shu sighed and said,"I'm sorry I asked now." You giggled at his comment until there was a commotion. Someone said,"Dude! That building is on fire!" You looked at the source of the commotion and he was right, You then looked at Shu and you noticed that he was trembling.

The two of you were at the Sakamaki Manor in Shu's room and he was still trembling slightly. You hugged his head close to your chest and you rocked him back and forth to try and calm him down a little. Shu's panting started to calm down a little and he managed to stop shaking for a while. Shu then said,"I'm sorry you had to see that, (Y/n)." You stroked his hair and said,"It's all right Shu, the moment you saw those flames it brought back bad memories didn't it?" Shu nods his head and he said,"I've been afraid of fire ever since then." You kissed his head and said,"It's all right now Shu, I'm here for you." Shu looked up at you and he smiled and he then buries his face in your neck and he your felt his cold breath on your skin making a shiver go down your spine.

You gripped on his sleeve and Shu leaned in and he kissed you on the lips deeply. The two of you fought for dominance and he then gently pushes you down on his bed and you gripped on the helm of his shirt. Shu pulled away and he said,"Are you sure?" You nodded your head and Shu then smiled and he starts to kiss and suck on your neck making a moan escape your lips as Shu found your sweet spot in a few minutes. You were a moaning mess as Shu kissed and sucked on your sweet spot and you unbutton his sweater and you took it off for him. Shu kissed you on the lips and he starts to take your hoodie and your t-shirt off. Shu stared at your chest and your strapless bra hungrily. Shu then said,"Hm...not a bad choice." You blushed bright red and you adverted your eyes from him and said,"W-whatever."

Shu chuckled and he leaned down to your chest and he starts to kiss and suck on your neck and he ran his hand over your chest as you took off his dark blue shirt. You blushed at the sight of his chest and when Shu saw you looking at his chest he said,"Like what you see?" You looked away and you said,"Don't ask me something like that." Shu then snaked his hands behind your back and he unclipped your bra and he tossed it to the side. You quickly covered your chest and Shu grabs your wrists and he said,"Hey, no hiding." You blushed as Shu pinned your wrists to the side of your head and he starts to kiss and suck on your breast while massaging the other. You were a moaning mess as Shu kisses and nibbles on your bud.

While Shu's lips were kissing on your chest he unbuttons your shorts and he takes off your knickers as well. Shu smirked against your skin as his fingers felt how wet you were at your core. You gripped on his shoulders as you felt Shu enter his finger inside of your core. You bit on your lip to hold back a moan as Shu pumped his fingers inside of your core. You let out the held back moan as you started to feel a knot in your stomach as Shu put three of his fingers inside of your core. Right when you were close to exploding Shu pulled his fingers out of you making you groan in disappointment. Shu chuckled and he said,"Don't worry (Y/n), I'm not even close to finishing with you."

Shu said as he unbuckled his belt and he then pulled his trousers down. Your eyes widen at the size of his member and you wondered how it was going to fit. Shu wrapped his arms around and he said,"Tell me to start or stop because once I start won't stop." Shu said with serious look in his eyes. Even though you were frighten about Shu being inside of you but you wanted this. You nodded your head and Shu said,"Say it." You blushed and said,"Please continue Shu." Shu smirked and he kisses you on the lips and you then felt Shu enter inside of you. You winced in pain as Shu continued to thrust inside of you. You gripped tightly on his hair and you said,"S-shu! S-top! It hurts!"

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