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There was something off with him. He seemed tired, weak. Like he hadn't eaten in a day or so. And he was sweating like crazy. It looked like he was about to pass out any minute.

Once the fight was over he leaned on a wall and closed his eyes. Breathing heavily. He was drained.

"Chat, are you ok?" She asked, coutiously.

"Im... fine, m'lady. Dont worry." He answerd not even opening his eyes.


She didn't belive him for a second. She went over to him and put her hand on his forehead.

"Chat! You're burning up! Why did you even come?!" She questioned.

He was about to speak when Ladybug cut him off.

"And dont even come with the excuse that Paris is more important." She scolded.

He sighed.

"Im sorry." He apologised.

"How did you get out of the house? Aren't your parents taking care of you or something?"

He looked down at her. She looked mad.

"You do right?" She asked, her face softned.

"Like he would have time?" Chat chuckled.

"And his assistant has the whole week off..." he added.

"Dont you have a mom?" She questioned.

"She... She dissapeared when i was like... 12 i think." He sighed.

"I... I'll go home... I'll just--"

"No, you're coming with me. Someone needs to take care of you!"

Before he could object she dragged him with her. She put an arm around him and used her yoyo to get home.


She landed in front of the bakery.

"Why are we at the Dupain-Cheng bakery?" He questioned.

"Because i live here." She said helping him in.



They got upstairs, into her livingroom, while Chat was looking around curiously. He decided not to question anything.

"My parentes aren't home today, which is good. Just lay down on the couch." She said.

He went over to the pink couch and flopped down face first and groaned.

Princess... M'lady... Ladybug is Marinette... Holy shit!

"Chat..?" She questioned, staring at him.

"What?" He groaned.

"Are you really going to lay like that?" She asked, looking at him amused.

"Yes, i've never been so comortable." He purred.

Ladybug sighed. He's just like a cat... She detransformed so Tikki could rest.

"Are you cold? Hot?-- er-- i mean warm!" She questioned.

"Im good..." he yawned.

"But i have this crazy migrene..." he groaned.

"I'll go get some tabletts then." She said, going to get them.

"You're so nice. Taking care of him." Tikki smiled.

"He's my best friend. Of course." Marinette answerd.

She came back into the livingroom and gave him the tablet and a glass of water. Which he gladly took.

"Thank you for taking care of me, Princess, m'lady, Marinette." He thanked her.

"Its the least i could do." She smiled at him.



"Hello, sweetie. How is it going?"

"Good. Im good."

"But... you wouldn't mind if i was taking care of Chat Noir beacouse he's sick? Would you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like, he's sleeping on our couch... right now..."

"Um... Sure, we wouldn't mind. Right, Tom?"

"Thank you for understanding. He really needed this."

"Anything for you, Marinette."

"Ok, thanks. Bye, see you later."


Marinette sighed, looking at Chat. He is actually really cute...

Ok... This is a small thing... i think... Hope you enjoyed at least... Plz do concider reading my other shit...

Thank you for reading! And have a good day or afternoon or night wherever in the world u r!
~ Maren-Emilie

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