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Swasan and raglak followed arnav!

Soon they found that his car parked in front of a gate!

That gate was huge!! And more likely as a gate found in horror movies!!

Ragini: r u sure we wanna go inside?!!

Swara: yess!! We should not drop this!! We should go further!!!

Laksh: wahhh!!! Brace girl!!!

Swara smiled!!!

Sanskar: let's see!!!

Swara: aahaa!! Mr. Sanskar!! U should not talk about being brave!!

She whispered: haa!! My body is aching cause of u!! So bad!! U holded me more tightly cause of fear!!

She laughed!!

Ragini: wats gng on?!

Swara: ask sanskar!!

She winked at him!!!

Sanskar: ur sis na!! She s so shameless!! She s asking me to say ...........how will I tell!!

He acted being shy!!!

Lucky: sanky say na!!!..

Sanky: she s asking me to say..Tat isss!!..
He dragged

Ragini: hmm..say more than that sanky!

Sanky: coz of me she got body pain!! She is asking me to tell the reason behind it to you!!!

He said on this one go and burried his face in his palms acting to be shy!!!

Ragini: chiii....swara!!

Saying this she started laughing shyly and she too closed her face with her hands!!

Laksh was standing still lyk a statue!!

Sanky winked at swara!!

Swara's mouth formed a '0'

Swara: idiot!! Sanky tell them the truth!!

Omg!!! Ragini don't believe him!!!

Laksh at least u support me!!

Laksh:I ll surely question him!! U dont worry swara!!

He marched towards sanskar!!!

Laksh:u haven't told this to me!!! Okkkk!!! Dont worry!! I ll tell about this to papa!! And tell him to Arrange ur marriage fast!! Or else....

Sanky:or else!!

Laksh: u ll b marrying with ur child in btw u!!

Swara: lucky idiot stupid!!

She started chasing him and started beating him!!

While ragsan were laughing seeing them!!!

After much gala tym..they went inside!!

Ragini: bcoz of ur fight!! We wasted too much of tym..by now he would have went back home!!😞

Sanskar: okk!! We wandered for so long tym..it s getting dark ...i think it ll be good if we go back!!

Swara shouted!!

Swara: see there guys!! There s a building!!!

Laksh: hey!! Come let's go inside!!

Ragini: this place looks lyk a haunted bungalow!!

Sanskar: but I feel lyk I've seen this place somewhere!!

Swara: don't think too much sanky!! Come let's go inside and take some selfies!!

Ragini:haeyy!!! Come swara!!we ll keep it as our whatsapp displat pic!!

Laksh: hugh!! I did a big mistake by coming with these mentals!!
Sanky come let's go inside!!

Sanskar: come let's too take a selfie!!

Swara: pout!!!

Swasanrag were giving pose while laksh was just staring angrily!!

Laksh: sanky please don't pout yaar!! I couldn't see that!! Yuck!

Sanky makes faces

After taking selfie laksh took the phone from them asking them to concentrate on the work..And suddenly he saw something in that picture!!
And was zooming it!!

At the same tym..

Sanskar found the bungalow locked!!

Laksh: sanky see here something is shining in this pic!

Ragini: lucky!!! I know u r saying me only na!!

Laksh: omg!! These grls na!! Always think tat nly!!

Ragini: Huhhhh!!!

Sanky: I know my bro is saying about me only!!

Laksh: oh..my dear bro!! For ur kind information frst I'll show ur face to u!! See this clearly! I will not praise u even if u look good!! Bt see clearly u have done something horrible and even say tat as pout!! Huhhhh!!

Sanky:Huhhhh!!! Broo!!! enough!! Take some breath!!

Swara: frst let him speak sanky!!
Laksh tell wat s shining!!?!

He then turned and saw up and showed a box tat s shining at the top ,in the roof ..

Soon sanlaK with much difficulty took that shining box!! Which had the key!!

They then went inside!!!

It was too dark!! They even couldn't see others face!!

Sanky holded laksh's hand!!

Laksh: darling!! U will not come near to me if it is sunlight!! But now u r coming and holding me n this dim light!!sry wen there s no light!!

Sanky was confused!!

Laksh continued!!

Laksh: hmmm..u didn't hug me in morning na!! So see!! I'm gng to punish u fr tat!!

Saying this he hugged sanky and started kissing him!!

Sanky begn to shout!!

Sanky: omg!!!chi chi!! Stop laksh!!!

Laksh then only realised tat it was sanky and not ragini!!

Swara: wat happened Sanky!! Y r u shouting!

Sanskar: swara plz turn ur phone's torchlight towards us!!

Laksh was embarrassed!!

Sanky: so...if ragini is left alone with u!! U'll do this nly!!

Laksh:huh!! I'll finish with this!! But u na!!

Before he could finish they heard ragini shouting!!

Ragini: cum heree!!! Soon!!

Soon they went along the direction where ragini's sound came!!

Ragini went near a box!!

Ragini: see here!! This room is so big!! And looks lyk a lab right!!
And this s a inverter!!I think we want battery!!

Laksh!: We can try by using our phone battery!!cause it's so small!!But we need to use atleast three of our batteries!! It seems to b a great invention!!

Sanky: hmmm...but lucky!! I ve seen these somewhere!!

Swara: but we want to take selfies with phone na!!don't remove tat battery

Laksh gave a fed up look!

Soon after inserting the battery the room litted up!

That was a huge lab!!with so many wire connections and machines!!

Suddenly sanky remembered!!

Sanky shouted!!

Sanky: this s the same lab!!!!
Papa and rp uncle were in this lab!! Tat means it belongs to them!! And arnav too wanted to come here!!

Precap: suspense!!(but u ll luv it)

Sorry for being late dearsss!! Do forgive me!!

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Luv u all!!!

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