A Newsie Girl

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Tip's POV

"Come on Clutz ya gonna wake someone and I hope that someone isn't spot " I whisper/yelled to him

"Well you've succeeded" I hear an angry voice say

Dammit there goes my chance if survival , my chance of escaping the King , King of Brooklyn


Let me introduce myself . The name is Tip Kelly , Jack Kelly's little sister. I have blue eyes that can pierce a whole right through ya and brown hair with natural blond highlites. Right know me and my best friend are trying ta get away from Brooklyn , but let me fill ya in with the past.

I feel asleep next to one of my best friends or "brodda's" as I call 'em , Skittery .

"Come on get up BOOTS get up" Kloppman says

"Skittery Tips Skittery Tips " he whispers slapping our feet

We pop up " SHE/HE DID IT !!" we scream in unison

He lightly slaps us " what do ya mean ya didn't do it when it's time to get up ya get up!" he shouts

I slip out of bed and pull my blue button up shirt on , my brown pants, my boots and , my red suspenders.

"Blink I hate ya why do ya think its so hilarious when ya shorten my suspenders uh!?" I yell at him . God he always does this

I start my way to the washroom.


That's my cigar!

You'll steal anudder!

Blink slips down from the top bunk and grabs both of them by they neck while I take the cigar out of snipes mouth and put it in mine

Hey bummers, we got work tah do!

Since when did you become me mudder?

Blink scrunched his nose to Stole's mornin' breath and Crutchy pushes them aside

Aww, stop your bawling!

Hey, who asked you?

Mush walks over and puts his arm around my shoulder. " hey Jack how'd ya sleep " Mush asks him

"On me back Mush" For some reason me and Mush find this hilarious and start cracking up

I go up to Jack and start lightly punching him in the stomach " here that boys I asked Jack how he slept and he said 'on me back Mush' " Mush and me again started laughing at what Mush just said.

I walk into the washroom with Mush and Race. I start washing my face when I over hear Crutchie telling Jack he needs a new selling place.

Try Bottle Alley or da Harbar

Try Central Park, it's guaranteed

I grab the comb from Race's hand and throw it at specs while Jack flings shaving cream at Mush

Try any baker, bum, or barber

They almost all knows how to read

Blink comes out of the bathroom in a proud manner

I smell money

You smell foul!

He's about to come after him but Mush stops him.

Met this girl last night

I spin Blinks hat and it falls off.

Move your elbow!

Pass the towel!

I grab the towel and hold it in front of Racetracks face as he tries to find it because of the soap in his eyes.

For a buck I might!

I push his face away but throw him the towel and run after the others. Poor old Kloppman tries to count us but we keep running

Ain't it a fine life
Carrying the banner through it all?
A mighty fine life
Carrying the banner tough and tall
Every morning, we goes where we wishes
We's as free as fished
Sure beats washin' dishes
What a fine life
Carrying the banner home-free all!

We newsies leave the Lodging House and head towards Newsies Square

Summer stinks and winter's waiting
Welcome to New York
Boy, ain't nature fascinating
When you'se gotta walk?
Still, it's a fine life
Carrying the banner with me chums
A mighty fine life
Blowing every nickel as it comes

I'm no snoozer
Sitting makes me antsy
I likes living chancy

Harlem tah Delancey
What a fine life
Carrying the banner through the slums

Blessed children thought you wonder lost and depraved
Jesus loves you, you shall be saved!

Patrick, darling
Since you left me, I am undone
Mother loves you
God save my son!

(Sung in counterpoint)

Just give me half a cup

Something to wake me up

I gotta find an angle

I gotta sell more papes

Papers is all I got
Wish I could catch a breeze
Sure hope the headline's hot
All I can catch is fleas
God help me if it's not
Somebody help me, please..

(End counterpoint)

If I hate the headline, I'll make up the headline
And I'll say anything I hafta
'Cause it's two for a penny, if I take too many
Weasel just makes me eat 'em afta

(Sung in counterpoint)

1. Look! They're putting up the headline
They call that a headline?
I get better stories from the copper on the beat
I was gunna start with twenty but a dozen'll be plenty
Tell me, how'm I gonna make ends meet?

2. What's it say?
That won't pay!
So where's your spot?
God, it's hot!
Will ya tell me how'm I gonna make ends meet?

(End counterpoint)

We need a good assassination!
We need an earthquake or a war!

How 'bout a crooked politician?

Hey, stupid, that ain't news no more!
Uptown to Grand Central Station
Down to City Hall
We improves our circulation
Walkin' til we fall!

(Sung in counterpoint)

1. Still we'll be out there
Carrying the banner man to man!
Yes, we'll be out there
Soaking every sucker that we can!
See the headline
Newsies on a mission
Kill the competition
Sell the next edition
While we're out there
Carrying the banner is the...

2.Look, they're putting up the headline
They call that a headlin
The idiot who wrote it must be working for the Sun
Didja hear about the fire?

3.Heard it killed old man Maguire!

2.Heard the toll was ever higher

3.Why do I miss all the fun?

2.Hitched it on a Trolly

3.Meetcha Forty-Fourth and Second

2.Little Italy's a secret

3.Bleecker's further than I reckoned

2.At the courthouse

3.Near the stables

2.On the corner someone beckoned and I....

The Delancey brothers, Oscar and Morris, start walking towards us

Race starts to fan himself with his hat "Dear me! What is that unpleasant aroma?
I fear the sewer may have backed up during the night"

Boots scrunched his nose" Nah, too rotten to be the sewers.

Crutchy and me say in unison " It must be the Delancey brudders."

Racetrack smiles in a mocking way
" Hiya boys"

Oscar grabs Snipeshooter by the back of the neck and throws him to the ground "In the back, you lousy little shrimp" Jack goes to help him up.

"Ain't good ta do that ain't healthy" Race said

The gates opened and me and Jack were in the back talking. I hear shouts and look over at Blink.

"Tip Jack they jacked up the price" he cried . I look behind him and see oscar through the open window mimicking us. I walk over jump up and slam it closed hitting oscar face. Good one Tip point for you, I say mentally cheering myself on.

"Calm down it's probably a gag ya know" I told Blink who was having a panic attack

Jack and me walked up to Weasel " why the jack up on the price weasel" jack asked

"Why not its a beautiful day" he said holding his finger out the window while Oscar snickers.

We walk away and Jack sits down as I lean on Blink " Well Jack whata we dos" Race asks him

"Hold on I'm thinking I'm thinking" He complains

After about a minute Race makes a face at me and I do the same gesture " Ya done thinking yet Jack" I ask him

Blink hits me on the back my head "Well we can't just do nothing" He says

"So what we go on strike" Davey asks

"Yeah we go on strike!" Jack shouts

Strike just another thing I have to add on to my to do list but who knows it could be fun?

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