Chapter 19

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Luke's P.O.V

We got home and went inside Ashlyn went in the living room and laid on the couch. I grabbed the bag out of my car one with the bird seeds and the other with her medicine I picked up on the way home.

I sat the bags down on the kitchen table and poured Ashlyn a glass of water and brought her out 2 pills.

I handed them to her and she thanked me and put the 2 pills in her mouth, taking a drink of water and swallowed them.

I turned the TV on and handed the remote to Ashlyn.

"Hey guys I have to go to work, I wont be back till around midnight I have a night shift tonight so behave!!" Mrs. Irwin said to all of us before heading out the door.

Ashlyn sat up and patted the spot beside her for me to sit down. I sat down and she laid her head in my lap once I got comfortable.

"Hey Luke, can we still go get ice cream?" Ashlyn asked looking up at me.

"How about I go get the ice cream while you stay here and rest?" I said her nodding, she sat up so that I could stand up to leave. 

"What kind do you want?" I asked putting my shoes on

"Cookies and Cream!!" 

Alright I grabbed my keys and left.

I went to the store and walked over to the ice cream isle looking for a tub of cookies and cream.

I felt someone run into me.

"Oh im so sorry" A girl with a blondish afro and greenish hazel eyes said to me

"Oh its ok!"

"Wait you are Luke Hemmings!! Oh my gosh can I please get a picture?" She pulled out her phone

"Sure" I smiled for the picture

"Oh my god, thank you Luke!!"

"Your welcome-" I stopped because I didn't know her name

"Melanie, my name is Melanie!" Melanie smiled

"Well then, nice to meet you Melanie, now if you excuse me I have to go get ice cream!" I walked down the ice cream isle.

I grabbed a tub of cookies and cream ice cream and went over to the cashier. I grabbed the bag and headed home

Ashlyn's P.O.V

Hey Calum, can you hand me that blanket by the chair your sitting on? Im cold!!" I asked Calum

"Yeah sure!" He through the blanket at me.

"I said hand not throw, but thank you anyways!!"

"Your welcome!" Calum smiled and looked back at the TV

I got all warm in the blanket and started watching SpongeBob waiting for my Cookies and Cream ice cream!!

I heard the door open and in comes Luke. Finally!!

"I will go get you a bowl of ice cream hold on!" Luke said walking into the kitchen

He came back out with a bowl of ice cream and a spoon. He handed them to me and I sat up so he could sit down.

I took a bite of the ice cream, mmmm delicious!!

"Want a bite?" I said feeding a spoonful of ice cream to Luke causing him to smile.

"I love you!" He said kissing my forehead

"I love you too!" I smiled and started to eat the rest of my ice cream.

I ate the last bite of my ice cream and it was gone. I sat my empty bowl and spoon on the stand by the couch.

I laid down and put my head in Luke's lap feeling tired, I think the medicine is kicking in.

Luke started playing with my hair which I found very relaxing, soon I was asleep!


Im so so so so so so so so so sorry about this chapter, it sucked really bad!!

I was having writers block.. ugh...

Sorry this chapter isn't very long!!

Next chapter I will make it up to you I promise!!

I brought one new person in on this chapter, I dedicated the chapter to her if you wanted to know who it was!!  But I don't know if I will be putting the 5SOS fans in more then one chapter, so im sorry if your only in one chapter. I will try to fit you in, in at least one more chapter....

Only 4 More Days Until Christmas Day, for the people who celebrate it!!!!!




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