Chapter 9: How I Met EXO

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A/N: Chapter, after chapter, after chapter! This is really actually really fun to do, since I do write my own books/stories. HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY! 

Last chapter: 

Dear Jeanelle,

The family and I had an idea to leave you in the house for 4 weeks because we are going on a trip to Hawaii. Sorry if we didn't tell you earlier but it was an unsespected flight, it's for your Uncle's and Aunt's wedding. So I hope you can enjoy yourself in the house, and sorry for not bringing you with us. We love you <3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Love: Mom <3

WTF!? Why didn't they bring me with them!? This is not fair!? UGH! Whatever! At least they trust me by leaving my in the house alone for 4 weeks...... GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!  


Jeanelle's POV: 

Since my family did leave me, and they trust me in the house alone, and they also didn't say I couldn't throw a party either..... This is going to be awesome! I was thinking I would just have a small party with the boys, since again, I am in the house alone. I get exited and called all the boys to meet up at my house at 8:00 PM for a party. Tonight is going to be amazing, but it's 10:00 in the morning.... WTF do I do now? 

Weird Part of the Story: How Jeanelle met EXO: Still Jeanelle's POV:  (FLASHBACK)

So since I didn't tell you about how I met the boys, this is how it all went, so first it all started 6 months ago: 

I was the normal teenager, like I am now, wlaking along the streets of Seoul, 

I was walking to Starbucks to order some coffee.... I love coffee! I walk inside the shop with a smell of brewed coffee going through my nose, I admire the sent and walkedto the table, I order a PSL, (Pumpkin Spice Latte) I say thank you and I go to an empty seat outside.

After a few moments just sitting there I started to get bored, so I got up and started walking around Seoul again with my coffe in one hand, and my eyes on my phone with my other hand, I don't see where I'm going and I bump into someone and my coffee spilt all over them, "OMG. I'm very sorry! it's all my fault! How could I make this up to you!" I quickly say to the person in front of me, he has a snapback and hes wearing a jacket that looks raelly expencive. He just smiles, I make a confused look, "No, it's alright... I can just wash this at the dorm, don't worry..... So who you might be?" He sweetly, I start to blush slightly, "I'm Jeanelle... And again I am really sorry, I was on my phone and I didn't --" I get cut off my the guy, "No its alright it was my fault, I also had my phone in my hands to so ya, by the way, the names Chen." He says not mad at all, I smile and shake his hand. "Hey do you want to go to the dorm, so I can change my cloths, and get you a another coffe?" He sweetly asks again. "No no! You don't need to buy me another coffee! It's ok!" I say so I he doesn't waste his money on me. "No no, it's my treat! Since you wasted the coffee all over me." he says cheekly, I blush in embarassment, I chuckles. "So you want to come?" He asks again, "Ok fine, let's go!" I say, he laughs at my childish ways and we walk to his car. 

We talked the whole way there, so I know a little bit about him now, his name is Kim Dongdae, he is in a band called EXO, there are two sub- groups, one is Exo K that sing in Korean, and Exo M that sing in Maderin. OH and they all have 12 members in total. Just like they say, you learn something new every day. 

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