Chapter I

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       "3:26 A.M. It's been 3:26 for at least five minutes for God's Sake!"

       I was feeling like time was not working. Like it stayed in place, letting me think. I've been like this since 2 o'clock, but I just couldn't fall asleep. Concern filled up my body, leaving me being paranoid about tomorrow. Well, actually about today as it's four and a half in the morning.

       The problem is ... I was moving.

Not from my home, but from my friends.
Away from my early years.
Away from my first attempts of doing magic.
Away from all my good memories.

Away from my school.

       What it's going to happen? Only two years left. Like my mother couldn't wait two more years so I can finish school at Ilvermorny.

       Great...I remembered myself of my dad.

       He died in a car crash when I was twelve. He was the only one to understand me, him having powers just like me.  My mother was a squib, born in a Pureblood family. This made her very passionate about magic though. The thing is that she hated me from being magical. She was jealous of my powers and when I was born she hoped that I would be like her.

       My gaze started to blur, tears invading my vision as I thought more and more of him and the memories we shared. My body started shaking and sweating, as I let out small whimpers and tucked myself under my blanket entirely.

       And with that, I fell into a dreamless sleep, caused entirely by exhaustion and overthinking.


       Cold air was pulling me into reality. Still half asleep I was dragging my suitcase around the streets of London, looking for Kings Cross Station. Finally arrived, my face started to warm up, making the red of my cheeks and nose fade slowly. After I reread what I have to do to get on platform 9 3/4, I breathed in and with all my force, I ran straight to the wall that separated platforms 9 and 10 from each other. As I opened my eyes, a whole new life stretched in front of me as my (e/c) orbs landed on the Hogwarts Express. I heard a bell, announcing that is time to get in the train. I entered it, looking around, probably for a familiar face. But nothing.

       As I thought, everywhere was full. Laughs and loud talking could be heard from where I was staying, not knowing what to do or where to go, when it hit me. I really didn't know anyone at this school. I had no one. Maybe I will find someone that will stay with me through thick and thin. A friend sounded nice. Or at least someone to show me around.

       I picked a random compartment and entered it. I saw a girl my age, sleeping heavily. "I wish I could have slept better this night. I'm exhausted" I mentally whined. I sat down and putted my suitcase next to me, grabbing a book from it. I probably read more than a half of the time spent in the train. The ride was quiet and peaceful so, I caught myself asleep to just be woken up by a loud thud.

       "I'm so sorry, I didn't meant to wake you up." Someone apologised.

       The voice came from a short figure in front of me. The girl from before. She had shoulder length, brown hair and dark skin. Her gaze was warm and friendly. It reminded me of home.

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