xvii. Twenty Four Days

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It had been three days since the fight. Three days, since Namjoon left. Three days since he and Jin had officially and respectfully broken up. Three days since Namjoon stopped marking off Jin's last days on the calendar above his bed.

Three days that no one knew what to do with.

Jin spent these three days alone—exploring boating docks and book shops from dusk until dawn.

Yoongi spent these three days embarrassed—his first full-blown panic attack in years needing be spent with his new boyfriend.

Hoseok spent these three days comforting—ensuring Yoongi that everything was okay, and that everything would be okay.

Namjoon spent these three days at his house—doing the things he had not enjoyed in months, like writing music, and going to dive-bars, and driving around for no reason.

Jimin spent these three days confused—trying to make sense of Jin and Namjoon, and not speaking to Jungkook—believing that once again, he was the cause.

Taehyung spent these three days, ironically, with Jungkook—trying to keep his mind off of both Jin and Namjoon, and keeping Jungkook away from Jin.

And Jungkook spent these three days the same as always—loving Jin, and wishing that they were together. This was obvious to everyone—especially to Jin.

"I so wish I was at home right now," Yoongi sighed to Hoseok, looking more irritated than ever before, "This might sound crazy, but I just want to go home, find you a job, and live with you," he admitted.

"Good luck finding me a job," Hoseok laughed, "I'm going to be in serious trouble when we step foot on U.S. soil, remember?" Hoseok insinuated.

"Then why don't we just become citizens of Greece and live here forever? Yoongi groaned.

"Because, in order to become a citizen of a place, they need to know what you've done," Hoseok reminded, as Yoongi rolled his eyes, "I don't want to ruin this mood you've got, of starting a future together—but once we get back home, we both know damn well that I'm going to be in hot-water for a very long time."

Yoongi let out a huff of air and frowned.

"...Although, there is something dangerously romantic about only seeing one another at prison visitations," Hoseok chuckled, leaning back in his seat.

"What is your minimum and maximum sentence?" Yoongi asked carefully.

"I'm not sure," Hoseok replied, "I haven't exactly looked into my own case. Best guess is at most ten years? I don't know though!" he exclaimed, confusedly, "I'm sure they can't put me away for life for stealing a t-shirt, breaking into a car, taking a car, and having a knife on me while I was withdrawing money."

"I thought your charge was armed robbery?" Yoongi reminded.

"Well, I stole a car, and I was at a bank when they found me. I've been in the system for a while, so they can charge me with anything they'd like! It would be so easy for them to say that I stole my getaway car and was conspiring to rob a bank at the very least."

"That still wouldn't justify a life sentence!" Yoongi insisted.

"I know!" Hoseok agreed, laughing, "But that's not the point! The point is, I'm going to be in some kind of trouble for a very long time. I'm sure my family has already contacted a lawyer, and a good one at that. At the very least I'll get a six-month sentence, I'll get out early for good behavior, and I'll have parole for a while."

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