great. school....

24 1 2


I slowly open my eyes to the annoying screech of my alarm clock.


"Whoops..." I said drowsily as I slowly got up from my bed.

Yo. hows life? My name is luna moon
But you can call me wolfie as my friends call me that. Im 14 with greenish\blue neon dyed long hair thats always messy. I also always have a low ponytail right over my neck.
Alright. Done with that...

I sigh as I have to get up from my lovely heaven called my bed, dragged my feet to go and open the door. I walked to the bathroom to go and do my 'bussiness', you know. the usual, brush your teeth, wash your face
Get ready for the day.

When I walked out of the bathroom, I was wearing a hoodie that I made had the shoulder parts cut off with straps holding onto it, on the chest part, said 'hows life?'. I was wearing dark purple pants and black flats. My usual outfit.

I ran back to my room to grab my shoulderbag and slung it over my shoulder.

*sigh* this is a pain...why do I have to go to school today. I know its friday but, I just dont im gonna be safe.

Welp, its now or never I think to myself( been doing that to much lately) as I open the door out of my room.

I walk down the hallway and climb on the banister to slide down the stairs, cause im lazy to walk. Don't judge me.

I see my mother getting ready for work. Loads of paper in files and her laptop under all of it.

" do you need help?" I ask my mother, she's struggling to hold up all the paper. "Please" she asks as I walk over to grab some of the paperwork, and also her laptop. "So, how long is this business trip is going to be this time?"
I ask my mother, as I heave up the paperwork on my shoulder, and start walking towards the car " 5 months"
"Why so long?" I ask as I put the     paperwork down neatly in the passengers seat."well one of my coworkers got fired to I had to take their shift, sorry. im gonna be gone for a while" she said sadly as she wipes sweat of her face. "Hey, dont worry about it." As I hug her.

"I also left you money for you to buy you your 'important stuff' as you call it so call me if you need anything!" She yells as she gets in the car and turns it on.

" alright ma! Dont work to hard!"  I yell back, as she pulls out of the drive way and down the road.

I took my phone out of my pocket to see what time it is

8:07. OH SHIT IM GONNA BE LATE! I yell panicking in my head as I start to run down the side walk, on the way to school

TIMESKIP ------------------------------------------

*pant pant* "thank god...... I have long legs" I wheese as I start walking into the classroom

"Hey luna! Over here!!!!" I turn my head weakly over to where I heard my name from.

It was one of my friends ive known in middle school. She had a bright orange dyed hair, and blue eyes. She had on a attack on titan t-shirt with white jeans, and converse. People call her my twin because we act (almost) alike. Im taller than her by 4 inches.

"Oh.. hey rose" I slowly walk over to her

"Why so exausted?" She asked me curious

" I was helping my mother get her stuff in the car, she's leaving for 5 months" I said, as I take a seat in the desk to the left of her.

"Thats different" she says "why that long? Its usually for a few weeks"
She looks at me curious.

"Apparently one of her co-workers
Got fired and she had to take their place" I said tiredly as I shrugged and grabbed my drawing notebook.

"That sucks" she said also grabbing her drawing book.

"I get used to it. I mean, yeah I sometimes get sad that my mom is always gone, but that it's her job. If she like her job, then in fine with it"
I lazily said as I start drawing sketches.

" if you say so" she sighs as she looks through her drawings.

"Why are you in my seat!?!" A very high pitched voice yells at me ( oh great...)

I turn my head to she a girl who looks like a barbie doll, glaring at me. (She's burning my eyes!)

"This isn't your seat. I don't see your name on it" I yawn as I turn my head back around, and put my hands behind my head, starting to snooze.

"Listen here BITCH! If you don't get up now im gonna-" she yells, and comes very close to my face.

"Gonna do what? Punch me? Scratch my eyes out?" I lazily glared at her, and stood up getting in her face, looking down at her.

"Im not scared of you. Never will be. All these insults that you spit out at me, there useless. You always talk shit. If you're trying to pick a fight you better do it yourself instead of getting one of your minions to do it" I glare at her. She starts grinding her teeth angrily and glaring up at me.


The bell went of. The bratty bitch scince I didn't even bother to care about remembering her name walked off, with her minions trailling behind her.

"Ugh.she's such a pain in the ass" I groan as I stretch my arms above my head.

*door slams* "alright class! Lets begin!" The teacher says walking towards his desk.

This is going to be a long day I groan laying my head down on the desk


Hi guys! Its me I made another new book (my second one that ill be also working on) I hope you like this story. The characters in this story is based off me and my real friends the other people (the bratty bitch and others that will be showing up in later chapters) are what I come up with in my head. The main character is based of of me so I guess its a self insert. Sorry if you guys dont like that also the pic on the title of the story is very important so look out for that.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2016 ⏰

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