prologue: C R A F T

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I smiled at my computer stupidly. Progress was finally knocking at my door. Three months trying to crack it, three whole f*cking months and now I finally did it.

"Oh! I could kiss you hunter," I literally would, that is, if he would let me but sadly. I sighed thinking of those dark chocolate eyes, really dark, nothing short of midnight but still adorable as hell.

Ever since I received that envelope three months ago. I couldn't do or think about any thing else apart from getting to the bottom of it.

I searched high and low for all types of clues, temporary obsessed. At first I thought it was a joke, that I was being fooled or someone was pulling a prank but then more clues were revealed and I knew, I just knew, I felt it in my blood, I felt her presence and I would find her.
I took a deep breath before reading through a top secret site. The logo at the beginning was the same exact one in my envelope, I was on the right path.

As I read through I realised the intensity of the situation and suddenly I paled, the details here frightened me to the core, 'what the hell is this!' My heart was beating faster than ever.

"This shit can't be real, can it?" I was shocked. I tried to continue reading and the more I could not believe my eyes.

I asked myself 'is that where she is? Was she forced to be there or is she,' I gaspt 'is she involved willing?'

I heard my phone buzz and it startled me. I picked up without looking at the idHello,"

From the other side a voice that always made my heart skip a beat answered.

"Hello, Jasmine." That rich British flavoured accent that would make almost any girl at his feet.
"Ethan, its you." I said breathlessly
"What's wrong?" He sounded concerned.
"Nothing I,I..."
"It's not nothing Jasmine, I know you, is this about what you asked me to do yesterday right?"
"Are, yess, no,no it's not, I'm fine." I tried to lie pathetically.
"Jasmine!" That unearthy commanding voice demanding the truth made me bite and tag at my lips.
"I,Ethan, I'm fine," I lied again adding a ridiculous laughter. 'You are so pathetic.' I scolded myself 'such an idiot.'

"I'm coming over," I heard him say.
"No!" I practically screamed it.
"No?" He again reacted in deep concern. Of course not he couldn't come over with me in this state. I am a bad liar and worse off if his present. "Do you want me to call Cole?" He continued. I hated it when he did that. Cole is his best friend aka my over protective elder brother.

"Don't do that, I told you before he can't know."

"So it is because of what you asked, I am coming over."
I took a deep breath.

"Yes it is about that but," then I was lying again.
"What did you find out, on that site?"
"Ethan, relax it was just some guy, its sorted now."
"Some guy? Is some one stalking or bothering you??"
"No its not that I just wanted to prove something about an exe and was surprised by the results that's all, but now, it's all good."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes,I am, I'm fine and please don't tell Michael."
He was quiet.
"Ethan please, please don't," I begged.

I heard him sigh on the other side.
"Okey fine, but if you think his stalking or bothering you call me."
"I will, detective." I saluted. We said our good byes and cut.

I passed a hand through my long thick platinum blond mane. I had to think.
What to do next. I looked at the page again. Could she really be there, alive and kicking, could she?"
But the big question was actually. Could my mother be involved in all this?

'London' I thought taking another deep breath.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2016 ⏰

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