Party Time

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Hey you guys. Stephanie here. Sorry if this strory is horrible this is my first time writing. I hope you all like it. Comment and tell me what you think. Also while I have your attention I am dedicating this whole story to Misguided. I read her story Sink Into Me and it inspired me to write this story. I hope that you will all take the chance to read it as well as any other story that she has written. Thank you for taking the time to read my story.


Have you ever got that feeling that your being followed but when you turn around there is no one there? That was what i was feeling right now. I guess I should start at the beginning. Lets go back a couple of hours.

~~~~Two Hours Earlier~~~~

" Come on Haylee, I want to get there before it gets packed." Levi yelled at me. Levi is my boyfriend and best friend all packed into one. I love him.

"Shut the fuck up Levi beauty takes time" I yelled right back at him. Yeah we bicker at one another but we dont get into huge fights. We have been going out for two years and havent fought once.

If you havent noticed yet I am Haylee and me and my boyfriend are getting ready to go to a club. His father owns the club so we get in free when ever we want to go. Levi and I have known each other since we were little. Our moms met at a pregnancy yoga class. Ewww right moms doing yoga.

I walk out of my bed room and see Levi standing there in blue jeans and a t-shirt with the words rock hard on it. Typical Levi. when he told me we were going to the club he told me to dress nice and then he dosent.

When i walk out his jaw dropps and it boosts my ego a little. I had decided to go with my white dress. It goes a little above my knee and makes my boobs look good. I mean its not like im a slut or any thing i just learned that if you got it flaunt it.

"Damn Haylee you look great, i might just decide to keep you home tonight."

"Well thats not going to happen because I am all ready to go out for a night of fun."

When we got to the club we went in throught the back. we were ther for about an hour and fourty five minutes and i had had a lot to drink, but then agian i know how to hold my liquor. Levi on the other hand does not.I look around and see that he is passed out on one of the many sofas in the club.

I diecided that i wanted to go to bed to so i told Levis dad that i was leaving and told him where Levi was.

When I walked out the door i relized that Levi had given me a ride here.

Its a nice night out i told my self. I think I will walk.

I got about four miles from the club and thats when i started to feel like i was being followed. I spun around and came face to face with a guy who looked like he had fallen from heaven.


Hey guys sorry for the cliff hanger but in having writers block. I will try to upload soon. Vote if you liked it. Comment and tell me what you think.

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