What to do?

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Sorry if there are any mistakes, I try to fix them while I am writing.


When I got out of the shower I looked around for the clothes that he said were in here. I saw on the back of the toliet two diffrent pairs of clothes. When i got closer to lokk at the clothes I could tell that the pair one the right had alot of lace on it. I could tell that it was ment for me. I looked at the other pair and it looked like a t-shirt and some sweat pants. I took the underwear from the lacy pile and then took the t-shirt and sweat pants and put them on. When i was aout to put the t-shirt on i remembered that the dress i had worn didn't need a bra with it so I didn't wear one. I looked back in the other pile and found one but it was a little more revealing then i would have liked. I put it on then threw the t-shirt on.

I walked out into the room that I had been drug into when I first came here. The stranger was not in here but there was a note on the bed. I picked up the note and read it. the hand writing was really neat and easy to read. It read...................

                        "Dear my lovely Haylee, I relized that you need to eat so I have gone out to get some food for you. The door has been locked from the outside so that you can not leave. I have put the T.V. remote on the bed that you shall sleep in and put some books on the bookself."

                                                                                                                          Stay safe,                                                                                                                                          Dakota.

So his name is Dakota. I am glad that I know his name but how does he know mine, and why in the fuck did he call me his lovely? This is getting a little bit werid. And what does he mean he left the remote on the bed that i will be sleeping in. He better think agian if he thinks that i am sleeping here. I need to get out of here.

I runn to the door only to find that i can't open it. I go back to the note and rad it agian. He locked it from the out side?????? I go to the book self and look at the books. These books are all about Vampires. What in the hippo rapeing hell is this. I grab one of the books and start to read and when i am almost half way through the book when I here the door being opened. I look up at the door and see the stranger............. I mean Dakota ( I keep forgeting that him name was on the note.) standing in the door way holding a paper bag with the word Toco Kingdom on it. I let out a girly scream an drun over to him and yank the bag out of his hands.

"I love Tacos," I say looking at him " How did you know?"

"Thats what I am going to explain to you but first sit down and eat your tacos'

Thats when I relize just how hugrey I really am. I am half way through my third taco when i look up and see Dakota staring at me.Thats when I relize what I have done. I ate the food without asking him if he wanted any. I look at him and finnish whats in my mouth.

I hold the bag out and ask him " Do you want any?".

He just shakes his head and pushes the bag back to me. I contiune to eat, but more slowley because I don't want to seam like a pig.

When I finnish I look at him and say "Now, start talking. You have a lot of explaining to do Dakota."

He smiles when I say his name and pulls me up on the bed and says " I......................" Right when he is about to say some thing the door bangs open.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2012 ⏰

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