Angel of Darkness!

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Sorry guys and gals for the long wait but here is another chapter.


I looked up at thoose bueatifull eyes and was about to apologize whey he started to pull me into and dark alley. The first thought that came to my mind was to get the fuck out of there before this guy rapped me or something. I jerked my arm away from him and started to run but before i could get even partly down the alley way i ran into something and fell on my butt. How did he get around me so fast, I wondered to my self. Before i could do any more thinking he pulled me off the ground and started walking back down the alley making sure he had a good gripp on me so i couldnt run agian. We walked for a while before we came to this really nice looking hotel. He pulled me through the front doors and I started to look around. The lights were tured down really low so it was hard to see. I could tell that there was no one in here though. The stranger pulled me towards an elevater and once we were in he pushed the 4th floor button. While we were in the elevater I didnt try to pull away for the stanger. I was scared out of my mind and i didnt want to anger him because there was no telling what he was capable of, and also there were these weird electric shocks that his touch was sending up my arm and i kinda liked it. The stranger laughed as if he could read my mind and i looked back at him. I quickly looked away though. Gosh danmit, why did he have to be so handsome. I heard the slight ding, and then the doors opened. The stranger pulled me out of the elevater and down the long hallway. I kept an eye on my surounding so that if i did escape i wouldknow the way back to the elevator. When we finnaly stoped i looked up at a door that had no room number on it. The stranger unlocked the door and pushed me in.

"Are you going to rape me and get it over with or are you going to use me as a play toy." I snapped at him. I wish he would just get it over with, i was tired of being scared about what he was going to do.

"I'm not going to rape you" the stranger said. The sound of his voice made my knees weak and i had to sit down. Why is this happening to me, I have never had these types of feelings for a guy before. Not even Levi, and i have been dating him for a while.

"Then what do you want with me" I asked him in a whisper because i didnt trust my voice to speak loudly.

"I.............." The stranger started but then he stoped.

"Ok if you cant answer me that can you at least tell me when i get to go home."

"You can go home i promise, but not right now first we have to talk." The stranger said.

"Ok lets talk."  I said.

"Not yet, first go to the bathroom and get cleaned up there are clothes in there." The stanger stranger pointed towards the bathroom door and I went to it because i relly didnt want to argue with him. When i got to the bathroom i took the longest shower of my life.


Ok every one heres another chapter. I need yalls help. I need a name for the Stranger. Please post the names you want and i might use yours

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