Untitled Romantic

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You transport me to this other place, so new and fresh

And it's incredible

Everything moves so slowly, while your eyes dance

When I'm in your arms, I am safe

I am free

I am home


Feeling so secure, so at ease

As our kiss lights up the sky

Our bodies mingle, so close

Yet we've never touched

Drinking in your presence

Your body, mind, and soul

It's so enlightening

So vibrant

My hunger burns

It spreads as we draw closer

By a powerful, invisible force

It pulls us


Tantalizingly slow

Oh how I long to absorb your atmosphere

To hold your hand

To feel your heartbeat


Your voice soothes me, like a peaceful lullaby

It brings me home

To you

To this

To us

You're pulling me in

Until we touch

Fire ignites

It burns

Hot, white passion


Until we've both fallen too deep into the void

Never to return

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