Too Much

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Summary: You shouldn't draw conclusions about everything you hear.

Late mornings were considered luxuries in the ASTRO dorms; the members almost working an average of 16-18 hour days during album promotions. They left the apartment before daybreak and returned a few hours after midnight - if they're lucky. But now that a hiatus was looming in the horizon and the fansign events were whittling down, the boys could enjoy more mornings spent tucked in bed until it was time for lunch. That is, if anyone of them could manage to wake up long enough to remember lunch.

So you could imagine the frustration four of the six members felt when they were snatched out of their pleasant dreams by the sound of rhythmic thumping that was coming from the other room. The two person room.

Bin and Eunwoo's room.

Thump. Thump. Thump. Muted but persistent banging that occurred in too regular intervals to be accidental.

Sanha grumbled first. Turning over to bury his face on his pillow, he let out a muffled scream. "Aaaaarrrrgggghhhhh!" He reached blindly to his right, catching hold of his Jinjin hyung's shirt and giving it a tug that threatened to rip the cotton material. "Hyung, make them stop!"

"What is that?" Myung Jun muttered from the top bunk, shoving off the black Hamtaro eye mask he slid on his face before going to sleep.

"Nnnnggghhh." Jinjin slurred, finally reacting to Sanha's nails digging into his chest. "Wh... What?"

"Jinjin? Do you hear that?" Myung Jun called down, slowly rousing himself into an upright position. Beside him, Rocky was also beginning to stir, muscular thighs shifting within his blanket.

"Hear whaaaaatttt?" The group leader's voice was still thick with drowsiness.

Sanha gave his hyung's chest a hard knock. "Those two in the other room. Go, make them stop!"

"What? Who?" Still disoriented and a bit disgruntled at being forced into consciousness, Jinjin rubbed at his eyes as he sat up. And then he heard it. That pounding that was gaining in strength, making the walls of their room shake with the intensity of a minor earthquake. "What the?"

A foot appeared on the rung a few inches from Sanha's head and then another as Myung Jun made his way down from the top bunk. "What are those two doing in there? It's like 11 in the morning." He was squinting at the wall clock that hung above their door. He suddenly clutched at the bed frame, seeing the clock quiver from its perch from a particularly strong knock. "Whoa!"

"Yes! Yes! Just right there!"

"Earthquake?" Rocky suddenly yelled. "Earthquake! Aww!" He bolted upright so abruptly he hit the top of his head on the low ceiling of their apartment.

"Faster! Please! Oh, please do me harder!"

Myung Jun and Jinjin looked at each other, their mouths hanging open, appalled at what they were hearing. DO. ME. HARDER?


Have they no shame?

This really shouldn't be a surprise anymore. They've long ago suspected that something more than just close friendship was between Eunwoo and Bin. Observant people have often commented about how unusually tactile the two of them were with each other. But it wasn't just the constant touching. It wasn't even the need to always be where the other one was. It was the looks they exchanged; sickeningly sweet glances that seemed laden with meanings only the two of them could understand. Sanha probably said it best when he claimed that it's like their eyeballs are stuck together with melted toffee.

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