
46 0 2

: Isaiah
: Trevon
: Jacob
: others who name will be mentioned

Highschool: Walther Christian

So the first chapter is the homecoming dance that I will make tomorrow cuz today is just the intro prologue sequence so yeah so the homecoming coming Dance is the first chapter so me quang trevon did not go to the dance but Jacob did. now don't get discouraged there is still stuff that go on. now the first chapter is going to kinda short cuz I can only put what happened before the dance in my perspective and the during the dance In my perspective and Jacobs but I will start off with Jacob perspective and then thats it for the first chapter. But I will make chapter 1&2 on the same day. Then Chapter 2 will skip to real time so like what happened today and tomorrow most likely most of tomorrow though cuz today nothing much happened it is 10/18/16 so nothing happens until tomorrow so be ready for tomorrow. So yeah if you find anything offensive in the story let me know cuz we do some stupid stuff to be nerds we are the dumbest ones and the most retarded. So yeah that's it.

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