Fictional Sillyness

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For some reason, I am absolutely obsessed with fictional relationships and how they are able to be so perfect. For a long time, since I never really was that much into romance when I was a young kiddo, I really just thought that all one-shot lovers were the same, as harsh and distasteful as that maybe sound. These love affairs were copied and pasted into different personas, marked off as different because of their varying looks. However, as I began watching, for one example, Disney movies progress and become better at story-telling their love-story side plot, I began to realize and reminisce  that maybe, just maybe, a new sort of romance could be brought up. One that I could really relate to, me, a usually not very romance-ish person, to say the least!😂 Usually!
Let's just say, today I am so grateful to have discovered so many more wonderful relationships to look up to in my older years. Down below, I'll be sure to put a couple picture examples of a few!☺️👍

 Down below, I'll be sure to put a couple picture examples of a few!☺️👍

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Embarrassing, right!? That's all I have for now, just a couple photos of my favorite *couples!* (cx whaa whaa whaa)

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Embarrassing, right!? That's all I have for now, just a couple photos of my favorite *couples!* (cx whaa whaa whaa). I may add on to this sometime later, but for now though, please excuse my fan-girlyness!😋 I really wanted to create a fun and not-so-serious post cataloging some of my favorite ships for the heck of it, if you understand what I mean! I also apologize if some of these pairings may seem unappealing, and to that I will have to sadly say that I'm sorry for putting things like this all of a sudden in your face. I'm sure you'll be able to find some hella cool stories here on Wattpad of your own personal shipping though, so all is not lost! It just makes me happy I've sparked your interest down the wonderful shipping train, toot toot! ;D Have a wonderful rest of your night dedicated readers and shipping machines, thank you so much for taking your time to look over my latest entry! And with that, I'll be signing off for today. See you all soon! 😄👋

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