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This was it the time Nikki had waited for, she was going into labor. Soon she would have her kids in her arms and everything that has happened in the last few weeks would all be a bad dream. Nikki opened her eyes and was proved wrong it wasn't a dream. She indeed had been kidnaped, she was in hell according to what Liam told her. Nikki tried moving but the chains on her ankles didn't allow her to move. Liam had taken her and Mary, poor Mary her had murdered her infront of Nikki's eye. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she remembered Mary had died trying to protected her. Nikki couldn't escape she had tried before but failed miserably and Liam made it very clear that the only reason why he hadn't killed her yet was because she was pregnant.

"Please not now." Nikki said when she felt another contraction hit. They had began last night but where an hour apart but now they were only ten minutes apart and Nikki didn't want to give birth, because she knew once the baby was born she would be a goner. Nikki got startled when she herd the guards running and yelling. She may have been in hell but one thing is certain it was always peaceful. Nikki listen carefully but couldn't get much information on what was going on. She was busy feeling the labor pains that now came every six minutes. The door of the chamber flew open and Nikki shielded her eyes. Liam had kept her in complete darkness since he brought her here and the light didn't help her. Slowly Nikki's vision became less blured and the first thing she saw were bueatiful bright green eyes.

"It's okay I'm not here to hurt you." The green eyed boy assured. "Queen Reese sent me for you but we must hurry." Nikki slowly nodded her head as she took a good look at the boy. His curly brown hair, and the freckles on her face. The boy broke Nikki free from her ankles and help her up. He gave her a few minutes to get use to the sensation of being free again. He grabbed her hand and lead her out. Nikki knew that now wasn't a good time to ask question, there would be plenty of time when she was free away from this hell, literally.

"Stop!" Nikki yelled a little too loud and let the guards know there location. "Sorry it's just a contraction."

"Don't worry stay hidden while I take care of this." The boy told her. Nikki watch as the boy fliched his wrist and a sword appeared in his hand. Four guards had found them and all wanted him dead and Nikki back. The guards decided that two would fight and two would look for Nikki. The two that fought instantly tried stabbing him at the same time but the curly haired boy was able to fight them off. Once he took care of the other two guards he took ahold of Nikki's hand and began to walk quickly. Nikki hadn't been paying attention until she noticed they came to a complete stop.

"Nice work Cole I really thought you weren't going to make it this far." Said a voice that made chills run down Nikki's spine. She would know that voice anywhere. It was Liam's. Nikki looked at the boy that she now knew as Cole. Cole showed no fear but Nikki hid behind him covering herself from Liam's view. "You know Cole you were one of my best Angels Negro. Why did you have to join my sisters kingdom and become an Angel Blanco?" Liam didn't really want an answer. Cole guided Nikki closer the only thing standing between Nikki getting out of hell was Liam and Cole wasn't going to let him win.

"I don't know Liam but I'm going to get her our of here." Cole promised. Before Liam could protest to that Cole made it pass him. Cole got himself and Nikki passed the gate of hell which it all he needed to do.

"How can we leave there no way out." Nikki voice was breaking. She was terrified of thinking what Liam would do if he caught Cole or her.

"Don't worry just hold on tight." Cole ordered. Nikki held on to him and closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes again she saw a bueatiful place and everything was white. Nikki groan as another contraction came.

"Lay her down the babies are coming now." Ordered the doctor that Reese had set up for her arrival.

"Queen Reese we have trouble coming." Cole informed Reese.

"No we don't" she stated calmly. "Liam blocked me from enter his relam with his power and right as king, I denided him access to enter my realm as well, he's not going to win not this time." Reese stood by Nikki's side as she pushed her final push and the babies were born. The doctor handed Nikki her son but not her daughter.

"What's going on." The doctor gave Reese a looked that she had seen a million times before.

"Nikki she didn't-" Reese didn't need to finish her sentence becuase it was cut off by Nikki's sobs. Reese held the girl tight and teleported them to a chamber. "Nikki she going to take the baby to get cleaned lets get you cleaned too." Nikki just nod. She had lost a child and her mind didn't know how to react. She was happy her son was born but her daughter had also died. Nikki couldn't bare to see the lifeless body so she didn't Reese help her take a shower becuase she was weak. Once all that was done Nikki was laid in the bed and her son was brought to her. Reese smiled and began to walk out. Reese knew the girl just needed time to be okay. Nikki herd a knock on her door and thought it was werid no one knew her here so why would there be knocking on her door.

"It's open!" she yelled so the person could hear. The door opened to reveal it was Cole.

"Sorry to bother just wanted to see how you were doing." Cole said standing next to the door.

"Come in please." Nikki said. Cole grabbed a chair and placed it next to Nikki's bed. "Thanks for risking you life for me." Nikki smiled at him.

"Don't mention it." Cole answered truthfully he would do it again if it meant helping the beautiful girl in front of him. Nikki noticed something was different about Cole. He was wearing glass, thick, round, black glasses.

"You were glasses but you're an angel?" Nikki was confused according to everything she's read angels were perfect and bueatiful or handsome. Cole was handsome and well the glasses just made Nikki find him even more attractive.

"Yes I am but we're not pefect. Like I'm a blind angel I can't see with out my glasses." He explained. "And before you ask I was wearing contacts when I went for you." Nikki giggled who'd a thought that an angel could be blind. Cole got up and was going to leave.

"Wait!" Nikki stopped him. "Please stay to talk just for a little while." Cole agreed. Nikki missed talking she hadn't done much of it being locked up in a dark chamber. Cole and Nikki did talk for hours until Nikki fell asleep and Cole walk out but first cover Nikki with a blanket. The girl need rest and she also needed to feel safe. That's why he agreed to talk to her for a while. He knew it couldn't be easy what she went through, he should know he's live it.

Hey guys hoped you enjoyed the beginning of the new story. This was originally going to be put up on Friday but I have a wedding, so enjoy. Vote and comment to let me know what you guys think. Love you all.


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