What now?

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The morning that followed my nightmare, had me in a complete daze. Dimitri was constantly asking me if I was okay, If I was stable. I didn't want him to know that I had that dream, that nightmare. I hid from the world and couldn't do much, my movements where slow, I was hopped up on coffee and couldn't keep my mind on track. Even now, as I am writing this to clear my head just for him, I'm distracted and slightly astounded by the way he carries himself, that he walks with such confidence like nothing could ever knock him down but when you see the pain in his eyes, you can clearly see that he has lost everything.

"Come one Caiden, we had a note on the door." 'You guys don't understand, he's different with me he trusts me and I should do the same. He's all I ever wanted and then some I'll be safe guys.'

It looks like he went without being forced. "Look at the handwriting, now look at the letter he wrote to us when he was away for a week. it's not the same and he hasn't being saying the things that he used to, that he has for our whole lives."

My mind fell dark again as I jumped up from the bed, threw on some shoes and then ran out into the front yard.

Then things went dark, I don't know what happened or why it all went dark but I know that things aren't going to be good.


I started running through the house looking at something anything that could possibly help me until my phone started ringing. "You took my love, and now I have yours. You only have one hour to try and stop me. Good luck. Bitch" My face fell blank and I couldn't help but run, I don't know where I was going but I was hoping that something would pull me to him, anything. I was desperate to find him. My phone started buzzing so I stopped to check it. 'Hey, just so you know, the clock is ticking and you have to choose. Him or your friend. We'll see what you do."

I kept running, my lungs started burning and my legs felt like jello. I don't know where i'm going but I will find them, both of them. I have to.

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