Revenge of the Blue Eyed Girl: A Peter Pan FanFic

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I dropped on to the cold hard ground of what felt like a jungle. I look up, observing the the small clearance of space. I was surrounded by tall trees and foliage. I had made it. Neverland.

I heard rustling of a bush and I quickly loaded my bow. A lost boy came out of the bushes with his guard down. A wide grin spread across my face.

He takes a couple steps into the clearing and then makes eye contact with me. His mouth opens and right as he was about to call for help, I let the arrow fly and it lands dead center in his chest. He collapses on the ground and lays there motionless. Don't worry, he's not dead. He's only sleeping, and he will be for the next 48 hours or so but whatever, only a minor detail.

He was about to yell for help, I think.
There must be others on the way.

My thought was interrupted by sound of more rustling bushes. I loaded my bow. What a way to kick off homecoming. This will be fun.

And with that more and more lost boys started to come from all different directions. I fired my arrows as fast as they came. They were dropping like flies, they didn't even have a chance to comprehend what was even happening until they were already knocked out.

I had knocked out about 20 lost boys, without missing once, might I add. Then, they stopped coming. There was simply no one left except for me and a pile of unconscious lost boys.

No, that can't be all of them. He has to be with them. Where else would he be?

Once again, those damn bushes interrupted my thoughts. I didn't even wait for any one to show there face. I just let the arrow sore straight to the exact place where the rustling came from. Only it doesn't hit anything.

That's not right, I reassure myself.

Those freaking bushes I swear. But, I still acknowledged them and spun around. Fast. But this time. I loaded a, lets just call it a special arrow.

Then he ran out. Just like that. I smiled. This is too easy.

He had a very dazed and confused look on his face, like he was lost or something. And I get to see his lame excuse for me not to kill him? It can't get better than this.

"Please!" he shouted "Don't shoot! I promise you I don't work for Pan!"

"Are you serious?" I said, almost laughing.

"What?" His British accent made him sound funny.

"Wow, you really don't recognize me do you?"

"Oh believe me love, your face is one I wouldn't forget. I swear." He smirked with arrogance. Ugh, it made me sick.

"Sorry, Pan, you really shouldn't go around making promises that you can't keep. Quite a nasty habit, don't you think?"

With that, I released the arrow and smugly watched as the silver arrow hit him and collapsed. But he wasn't sleeping, though. One of the perks of the special arrow.

A/N: Hello readers! I hope you liked the beginning of my story! Did you like it? Anything confusing? Anything you didn't like? please comment! and while you're at please help me come up with a better name!! Sorry it's kinda short! Thank you so much for reading!

xx charlotte xx

•not edited sorry•

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