[Chapter 1:] Snow Problem

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When the goat finally woke up, she was surprised to find that her brother wasn't the one behind it. She was used to waking up to his screaming and partly found it amusing. Toriel wiped the snow off of her muzzle and shivered as a chill raced up her spine. Asgore must not be here yet. she thought to herself as she stood up. The snow was falling a bit faster now as the cold was starting to seep in through her coat. She shoved her hands into her pockets and started making her way back towards her brother's station. Doggo was asleep when she came to his post and looked up as she past him.

     "Hello Toriel!" He exclaimed, causing the comedian to stop to approach him.

     "Heya Doggo. Ice to see you!" She chuckled at her own horrible pun, but Doggo didn't seem to get the joke. Instead, the dog-like monster tilted his head to the side, confused. Reluctantly, Toriel patted him on the head, wiping the pile of snow that was starting to form away. Doggo perked up.

     "PET? PET? PAT? POT? PAT?" He looked around frantically. The goat sighed.

     "Whoops. I forgot." She shrugged awkwardly. Causally, she left him again as he didn't notice her presence anymore. When the female goat finally made her way to her brother's post, she found that he wasn't there. Frantically, she started wiping the snow off of the wood and moving planks around to see if he was inside. Nothing. No sign of him anywhere. Now, Toriel was starting to panic. Her brother should be here. Why wasn't he here? Slowly, the goat took a deep breath. He's probably training with Alphys, she kept repeating to herself over and over again in her brain. Once she was mostly reassured, she continued on her way to Snowdin.

As Toriel entered the town and was on her way back to her house, her phone started ringing. She looked at the screen; Alphys. Casually, she picked it up:

"Hello? This is Toriel."

"HEYYY TORIEL!" Alphys screamed so loud that she almost dropped her phone. Fumbling with the case, Toriel gave an awkward smile as monsters around her gave her strange glares. Soon enough she approached the house and slowly placed the phone back up to her ear.

"Heh. What's up?" The goat fiddled with the frozen handle on the door until in gave a satisfying click.

     "I've been good! Have you seen Asgore? He has a training lesson with me in a few!"

Toriel's heart sank.

She had thought that her brother was with Alphys! Quickly, she slammed the door and rushed up to Asgore's room, hoping that he was there. The door was ajar as she peeked in, but no one was there. Toriel was starting to get nervous again.

     "I.. haven't seen him. I thought he was with you!" The comedian exclaimed, running back down the stairs and pacing in front of the couch.

     "I thought he was with you!!" The warrior replied. Where was Asgore?

Toriel could feel hot beads of sweat form on the back of her head. She couldn't loose him again.

     "When was the last time you saw him!?" She asked frantically.

     "Uh.. I talked to him a few minutes ago and he said he was just leaving your post, maybe you can catch 'em?" Alphys suggested, and the goat nodded.

     "Good idea. Thanks Alph."

     "No problem punk! NGGGHHH-" Alphys let out a battle cry before hanging up. As quickly as she could, Toriel ran through the snow to try and reach her post. She must find her brother, no matter the cost. What started out as a sprint slowed down to a heavy walk as the wind increased. Toriel wasn't really the athletic type either, making her travels even harder. But still, the tiny goat moved forward.

When she reached Asgore's station, the snow was so thick that the goat could only see a few inches in front of her face. Even with the snow practically covering the pile of wood, the sister could tell that her brother wasn't in nor near the structure. Determined to find him, she pushed on.

Finally, the little goat found her post. By then her face was so cold that ice was starting to form on her fur. Toriel buried herself deeper into her coat but it was no use. She was still freezing. Teeth chattering and hand shaking, she started brushing the snow away. However Asgore couldn't be seen inside. The comedian sighed. She had come all this way, shivering in the cold, just to find that her brother wasn't here anymore. She wished that he was alright, wherever he was. The freezing goat shoved her hands back into her pockets again. She was too cold to think straight. Suddenly, a wave of drowsiness overtook her and her knees gave out. Instinctively, she reached out for the table but one of her hands slipped. She landed on her hands and knees and gave out a groan of annoyance. She couldn't give up. She had to keep going. But even when she willed herself up, her legs refused.

     "H-HELP!"  Toriel cried out when all her methods of getting up failed.

     "H-Help!" She kept repeating as loud as she could. But nobody came.

Drained mentally and physically, the small goat collapsed to her side. What was the point in trying anymore? Her brother was probably safe and that was all that mattered.

Is this how I die? Toriel thought as she lied there, not bothering to brush the snow away from her face.

     "H-help.." she cried out one last time, barely a whisper as darkness started enveloping her vision. The goat started breathing slower. This was it. She thought. As she started slipping from consciousness, a dark figure appeared in her view.

Then, her world turned dark.

(Hey guys, sorry for the delay and all hhhh)

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