[Chapter 2:] The Ruins

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Slowly, the small goat woke up with a wrenching headache. Blinking open her eyes, she sat up groaning and looked around. She was in a strange place that she didn't recognize, although it was warm and cozy. The walls were a light shade of pink with a small closet and a few dressers. A basket of toys were placed at the end of the bed, collecting dust. Toriel blinked, confused. She had thought she had died after she passed out. How did she get here? All of a sudden, the goat remembered. A dark figure had appeared into her vision before she passed out. Perhaps they saved her and brought her here? But where was here?

Toriel went to get up from the bed but fatigue had stopped her. She looked down, exhausted, only to realized that she didn't have her coat nor sweater on. Instead, she was wearing a purple flannel that dropped just below her knees. Whoever brought her here must have taken them off and dressed her. Her face turned a light shade of pink with the realization. They saw me without clothes?! Quickly, she checked herself and saw that she still had the same undergarments on. Tori let out a sigh of relief, knowing that the situation wasn't as bad as she anticipated.

Suddenly, she looked up as the door gave a small cream and a figure walked in. As it, or he walked closer, the light revealed his appearance. He was wearing a long, navy blue robe that hung just above his knees. His long pants underneath that were of the same color. There was a symbol in the middle of his chest that she recognized, but couldn't remember at the moment. Her head was pounding too hard. The robe had a hood which was pulled back to reveal his face with a bony hand. The skeleton smiled calmly as he gazed upon her and she began to wonder if he was the one who saved her. No, of course he was the one who did. She silently scolded herself as he reached the side of the bed and sat down on the edge.

"So you are awake." The skeleton observed as the small goat yawned. She was awake on the outside but on the inside, she felt completely drained.

"I guess I am.." she replied, fumbling nervously with a crease on the silken blanket. She liked the way it felt between her fingertips. "Thank you, for uh.. saving me."

"It was no problem, I heard your screaming as I knew I had to help." He shrugged like it was no big deal and like it was something that he did regularly.

Toriel nodded, although she was still confused about his tone of voice. If she had heard someone screaming she would have helped too. But why was he being so chill about this situation?

"What's your name anyways?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. The skeleton chuckled softly, making Toriel even more confused.

"Oh yes, how rude of me. I am Sans, the caretaker of this place." He explained, scratching the back of his neck. "And you are?"

"T-Toriel," The goat stammered as she continued to mess with the blanket nervously.

      "Tutorial?"  He asked, rather confused. The goat shook her head and giggled a little.

     "N-no, just... Toriel."

"Oh Toriel," Sans repeated, almost in awe. She looked up at his face again, and he was looking at her with a gentle smile. "It's a pretty name."

The goat blushed, for she had never really been complimented before. Especially by a complete stranger! The closest she had gotten to one was when her brother told her that she was the laziest person in the world; and she liked that title.

"Uh.. t-thank you!" She smiled, as did Sans. However, there was one question that was still bugging her, and a really awkward one at that.

"Er... where are my regular clothes?"

Sans' face turned a light shade of blue at this question, but he remained calm.

"My apologies. I had to change you from your wet clothes because I did not want you to get hypothermia." He explained. Toriel nodded, but the thought still flustered her as she turned pink once again.

The room was silent for a few moments, with Toriel messing with the blanket as Sans fumbled with a crease on his robe. All that could be heard was the gentle creak of the old house and the occasional ribbit of a froggit. Suddenly, the skeleton stood up and brushed off his pants. Toriel looked up as he did so and met eye contact once again. She couldn't help but stare as she marveled how calm he looked. Sans stared back, but because he couldn't help but notice how tired she was. She did just almost experience death after all.

     "I am going to make some breakfast. Which do you prefer? Hotdogs or hotcats?" He asked. The comedian shrugged.

     "I don't have a preference." She said as she slumped back down onto the pillow. "Why don't you surprise me?"

As Sans nodded and walked out of the door, the goat closed her eyes and almost immediately fell asleep. She was glad she didn't die, and even more grateful that she ended up here.

• • •

"Toriel? Are you awake?"

The small goat opened her eyes to see the skeleton bending over her from the side of the bed, smiling. At first she panicked and almost bumped heads with him getting up. They were left forehead to forehead, staring at each other in shock from the sudden movement. All of a sudden, she remembered where she was and why but it was already too late.

     "S-Sans I'm sorry..!!" Toriel exclaimed as her face turned beet red. Although Sans' face turned a little blue, he still remained calm and stood up straight.

     "It is alright, Toriel." He said gently as he pulled his hood over his head. For some reason, she found herself wondering if he ever got flustered before considering how calm he is. Probably not.

     "Your breakfast is ready. Can you walk yet or are you too weak?" He asked, but the goat shrugged.

     "I haven't tried yet." She admitted. Sans nodded and reached out a hand. She took it and then attempted to stand up. At first, her legs were stable, but then all of a sudden they gave out under her and she fell. Thankfully, the skeleton was there and caught her under her armpits.

     "T-thanks.." she muttered with effort as she tried to regain her balance. He nodded, patiently waiting for her to recover from the small fall.

Finally, she had mustered the strength to stand and Sans gave her a small grin.

     "Are you good now?" He asked. She nodded soundlessly, concentrating on the task at hand.

After what felt like a lifetime later, Toriel and Sans made it to the kitchen. The goat was sitting on a stool and eating a hotcat while the skeleton was busy cleaning and putting everything away.

     "So Sans, how long have I been here?" Toriel asked, half asleep as she took another bite of the hotcat. Sans didn't look up from cleaning the dishes as he replied.

     "Oh, about a few days to a week. It is hard to keep track in here."

Toriel almost choked on her breakfast. A few days!? She thought. A week?! Her brother must be worried sick.. if he was alive. No, don't be silly. She scolded herself. Of course he's alive.. right!? Quickly, the goat went to check her phone. However, when she attempted to turn it on, she found that it was dead. Sans glanced at her for a second and noticed the panic on her face.

    "What's wrong?" He frowned, putting down a half-cleaned bowl and walking over to her. The comedian took a deep breath.

"I-I don't know if my brother is alive.. h-he.. I-I was looking for him w-when you found me and--" Sans cut her off as he reached over and gave her a big hug. Her face turned bright red before she processed this and hugged him back.

       "Look, I'm sure wherever your brother is, he is ok, okay?" He said reassuringly, however Toriel was still doubtful.

What if he was wrong?

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