Chapter 5

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"Meygana you got to tell me. What are the baby names?" Sting cries drawing attention to where we are sitting.

"Would you stop Stingy Bee. You don't need to know yet. Especially because Rouge and I don't know what gender the baby is yet." I nearly shout.

"You can still choose baby names. I suggest for a boy you name it Stung. And for the girl I'm thinking Bumble bee. That would be awesome." Sting suggests and I face palm.

"It's also stupid. Think before you speak Sting." Rogue says as he wraps an arm around my waist.

"Shut up Rouge. You are no better than me when it comes to speaking. Remember when we were like five and you had a crush on Meygana. You would always say the most stupidest things to her." Sting explains playfully.

"That was years ago." Rouge complains and I smile gently. I put my hand on my stomach and imagine my child. My child moving around, swimming inside total darkness.

"Master Sting. Master Sting." We hear from one of our guild members.

"What's wrong?" Sting says sternly and our guild member holds up a letter. By the looks of the letter it looks like it's from the magic council.

"Give me that." I say and take it from the member and open it.

"What does it say?" Rouge asks and I start from the beginning.

"Dear members of the Sabertooth Guild. We have started the Grand Magic Games back up after a few years from the incident that happened a few years ago. We would like you to pick five members from your guild to compete in the games this year. We look forward to seeing you at the Games this year. Magic Council." I read and look at Sting.

"Who are you going to pick Sting?" Rufus asks putting his red hat with the pink feather on his head.

"I'm gonna pick the people Gemma picked when we went against Fairy Tail. But instead of me I pick Dopengual." Sting says and the five of us step forward.

"That means Rouge, Orga, Yukino, Rufus, and Dopengual are in the games this year with Meygana as a reserve member. This is going to be interesting." One of our other members say and I smile.

"I'm glad to be a reserve member. I can always watch the competition from the Sabertooth box." I say to Rouge and he places a hand on my belly.

"You need to promise me you won't get hurt. I'm not losing you or this baby." He tells me and I stick up my pinkie finger.

"I promise Rogue. I'm not going to get hurt." I say and he stands behind me.

"Good." He says and I smile at him.

"I'm still proud of you Meygana. Just please try not to get hurt." Rouge says and I giggle.

"I won't. I promise." I say and kiss him gently.

"I love you Meygana." he says and I smile.

"I love you too Rouge Cheney." I respond and he leaves to the request board with Sting.

"You are really going to go threw with this Meygana. I mean, you are having a baby. A baby for crying out loud and you are willing to risk losing the baby. Are you insane? You have to go tell Sting you can't participate in the games this year." Yukino says sternly.

"Would you please just trust me. I know what I'm doing. I'm not going to get hurt and I'm not going to lose this baby. Please Yukino. You got to let me participate in this." I beg and she groans.

"Fine. But if you get hurt don't say I didn't warn you." she tells me and walks away.

"Rouge I'm gonna go home. I'm gonna see if I can get the nursery done for the baby." I say and I feel his shadows lift me up.

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